  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of Introductions, Icebreakers and PromptsIntroductions, Icebreakers and Prompts group 1 years, 10 months ago


    Dear Unsealers

    Meet Roger! Roger lost his mother when he was 23 years old. Ever since, he has struggled with grief, anxiety and depression. He misses his mother who was a source of love and comfort in his life. One of his favorite memories of his mom is seeing her joy when she watched him perform in his first band concert in high school.

    While Roger has found healing in writing, giving back to others and expressing himself through photography, there are still days that he struggles.

    Write to Roger about your experience with loss, your favorite memories with your loved one and what has helped bring peace to your life and your grief. You can respond to this thread or post your own letter in this group or the group Remembering those we lost and tag Roger @oneturbobenz

    Share your truth and change the world.

    @abbiegwrites @alexandraparry @dsenlightenededits @falkytvgmail-com @gabriellebeth @lostone89 @delanomassey @jthomasdryandbarren-com @rkartikalestari @ashley_topham @brilee258 @braveheart @kayjahlorde @okiwa002 @amazz94 @jcbcle77 @corriefergusonbooks @jim-c @zaysmith1

    All the best,


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    • @oneturbobenz
      Dear Roger,
      It is always so painful to lose someone you love who is so very close to you. Their spirit and light is always with you. I feel your pain. I have lost both my dear parents and this loss is felt every day. But I will say that I always try to live each day with purpose and happiness because I know that is what my parents would have wanted me to do. I live the life they dreamed for me and this is how I honor their memory. I hope you can find the strength to move forward the way I am sure your loving mother envisioned for you.
      All the best,

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      • @shelleybrill I have been trying to get to that point. I changed jobs 3 times since October of 2020 in an attempt to find peace at work. My current job brings me back to the industry my Father spent 42 years working in. My Mother went through a lot of hard times with him always out on the road. My Mother never got her drivers license and so going for groceries with 3 small children was always an experience. A lot of fond memories come from those struggles. She would take us all to the grocery store and then to the public library. My Mother, even in some of her final years was an extremely avid reader. I would guess that she would read somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 books a month. Those habits rubbed off on me as even in my late 30s I still read a lot.

        She never backed down from life’s challenges, she did household wiring and even plumbing after reading how to books. She even put a steering column in my first car. I inherited her analytical mind as and even expanded upon it in some ways. During the early days of the pandemic I had to call those skills into play to repair my shower because the maintenance people were all off with covid that week. It is in moments like that where I feel an immeasurably deep connection to her and I sometimes have to make sure that she isn’t standing there patting me on the shoulder.

        Most of the best traits I have are a living memorial to who she was. I know she is proud of me, but I swear I nearly hear her voice say what took you so f**king long. My Mom never failed to shock some poeple as she could go from being a very sophisticated Welsh lady into being a very blunt and sometimes nasty woman if she felt someone hurt her children or my Father.

        I sometimes wonder if she ever got any sleep because no matter the time I would come home, she would always be awake when I tried to creep silently through the front door. For all of his faults, she loved my Father and no matter how they might have fought, they never went to sleep mad at each other. For 32 years, 2 months and 2 days she was always there to support him.

        Those are just some of the things I can say. There isn’t enough words or space to write them to say how I truly feel about her.

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    • I’m so sorry for your loss, and believe me I truly understand, especially when it comes to your mom. I lost my mom in 2016, and to this day, I still struggle with hurt, anger and disbelief, because I feel that she should still be here. I hated the way I wasn’t there when she passed, but feel I or someone in the family should have been. I hate that she died alone and I can’t and don’t think I will ever get over it. I was so sad for close to two years, and in 2018 I was diagnosed with Afib, a heart condition. When I was diagnosed, the MD first thought I may have what they call “broken heart syndrome”. My heart was still broken at that time, and it still is. I just can’t get past the ideal that my mom died alone, but it has gotten a little better. You mom is that person that gives you a kind of love, no one can ever match and when it’s no longer there, believe me you feel it. I’m so hoping you find the peace you need.

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