• snikliw88 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 11 months, 1 weeks ago

    Dear Past You

    Dear Past You,

    I will always remember how much you suffered last year: October’s final kiss, November’s shock, December’s loss, January’s drama and denial. I will never forget February’s paralyzing fear and tragedy, March’s withdrawal and relapse, April’s diagnosed PTSD, May’s guilt, and June’s regret.

    You fell into July’s numbness. You were numb and broken. You were lying at the bottom of your grave looking up at the distant sky. You watched the slow, gray clouds painfully moving on, with rainstorm after rainstorm sinking you deeper.

    Then August came, right when you thought you were going to drown, you let the rainwater float you up a little bit. You started to slowly climb. You started clawing at the dirt, inch by inch, climbing yourself out of the grave. At one point, you slipped and fell downwards. You didn’t fall all the way back down, but it was enough to make you cry. Your tears fell with the rain. Miraculously, you wiped your face, took a deep breath, and climbed some more.

    When you made it to September, you got closer to the surface and a crack of sunlight shined down on you. When you were finally close to the top, the sun shined a little brighter. The climbing got a little easier.

    September ended, and it was October again. Flashbacks and nightmares ricocheted in your brain; panic and memories flooded like the rain. A few dark clouds returned and you fell back down. But only a little bit. And that’s okay, because despite all of that you kept climbing until you reached the top. The sun came back from hiding behind the cloud. You stood on the surface different, stained, tired, but free and a survivor.

    Thinking back, I don’t know how you did it. Even though you are a version of me, a part of me, I don’t know how you did it. But you did. You turned that grave into a wishing well.

    You stood back up and I am so grateful for you. Your survival changed the way I look at everything. You gave me unimaginable strength. Having you in my life means everything will be okay; because, I am never alone when the clouds and rain appear. And they will, they always do.

    I will always remember how much you suffered, and how much you survived. I would not be here if it wasn’t for you; I would not have this freedom. I will never forget how lucky I am to have you.

    You survived last year changing past you, into present me, leading to the future us.
    I adore you. I love you. You will always be in my heart.
    Thank you for everything.

    With all the love,
    Present Me.

    Carlie Beth Wilkins

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    • Carlie, Your journey of resilience and survival is truly inspiring. I admire your strength and determination to climb out of the darkness and find the light. You are a true survivor. Your story reminds me that I am never alone in my own struggles. Thank you for sharing your journey and for being an inspiration to me.

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      • Thank you so much for your kind words ❤️ You’re never alone in your struggles, we are all here sharing different battles and surviving ❤️ thank you again for your response, you are the best ❤️

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    • Thank you so much for your beautiful poem the passed me. Do you mind if I share it on facebook? I am trying in my life to be an encourager and inspirer and helper, Just having a very difficult time. I’m 44 years old.
      But it hurt little boy inside. This makes absolutely no sense.
      But i’ve got schizophrenia and I take meds that help me deal with this stop, I’m very thankful for that. I’m on.
      A journey to the healer who is Jesus.
      I’m and actually writing a book called journey to the healer.It’s my third one. I want a bunch of friends like you.Because I need the inspiration too. I started a relationship with Jesus on my daughter’s birthday.In two thousand and six, she was five. He changed my.
      Life but my mind and emotions are still Messed up. Thank you for accepting my friend request. I hope and pray.God continues to bless you abundantly in your life. I really appreciate your work.

      Sincerely Timothy ♥

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      • Hi Timothy!

        You can absolutely share it on Facebook! Thank you for your kind words! Thank you so much for sharing about yourself and your struggles!! You’re extremely brave!! Life is hard and you should be proud by how far you’ve come! Keep up the great work!!

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    • Carlie! This piece is incredible. I too am a trauma survivor and I had my fair share of PTSD. And I truly believe persevering through all that made me realize how strong I am. And going through life knowing how strong you are is super powerful. You know you can do anything! So now that you know badass and strong you are, I hope you use your power to go after every dream. So not only does your storm end. You get a beautiful rainbow too. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

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      • Wow! Thank you so much for your kind words and feedback! This really made my day! I appreciate everything you shared and reading my piece, you are the best! Thank you for everything you said, I love being part of this Family ❤️ Thank you again for reading, commenting, and sharing your thoughts – it really means a lot to me – we are all badass and strong here ❤️

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