


    I am 25.
    This is a mood board, sprawling
    Swatches of ambition, photographs pinned of places yet to see,
    And pastel whispers of what feels true, but I think I like who I am becoming.
    I drink an oat milk latte and walk around the house remembering who I was at 24—
    Drafting text messages, never sent;
    Creating worlds in fictional novels, characters that understood;
    Spraying lavender on the pillow sheet, scaring the restless away.
    I could write a million words about who I used to be, but I am 25.
    I am floating and celebrating this chapter, feeling it expand and contract.
    Everything has become clearer—homemade pasta, fuzzy socks, wearing lingerie, lighting cinnamon candles—(because) I didn’t love me.

    I am 25. I’ve learned
    To believe in my melancholy and that sometimes, things are out of my control; to taste the sweetness in the back of my throat, where my fear quietly waits; to turn pages, and write with fountain pens, and love myself in ways I have never.
    I am 25 and I think I like who I am becoming.

    Amanda C Headley

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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