  • Sherry Noble shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 3 weeks ago


    When asked my biggest fear, I close my eyes and imagine what my life would be like without you, and that moment alone is terrifying enough that I already have my answer without having to blink again. My biggest fear is having a great day, or a horrible day, and not being able to call you anymore to tell you about it. My biggest fear is needing an old favorite recipe and knowing you’re the only one who has it and now I’ve got no one to ask anymore. When the holidays come along and I don’t want any gifts but you always asked for a wish list, I’m scared I’m going to wish you were here and be sorely disappointed when you don’t come through like you always have before. Part of my job as a daughter is to open my heart up as wide as it goes and take in all the advice, stories, wisdom, and love while I can so if you leave before I do I’ll have enough to keep me going. I just don’t know if or when that day ever comes if I will know what to do, who to call, when to cry, where to fall. You have always been my roller coaster sidekick and I don’t know if I trust this ride without you. If you ask me what my biggest fear is in life, it’s having a life without you in it, mom.

    Sherry Noble

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    • Sherry, your heartfelt words express the deep love and fear of losing your mom. The thought of not being able to share your joys, seek advice, or have her presence during the holidays is terrifying. You have cherished her wisdom, stories, and love, and the idea of navigating life without her feels overwhelming. Your bond is strong, and it’s understandable to have concerns about facing life’s ups and downs without her by your side. Treasure the time you have together and hold on to the beautiful memories you’ve created.

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