  • shelleybrill shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 years, 9 months ago

    One Teacher Can Make All the Difference

    Dear Mrs.Shumsky,
    When I entered your 4th grade class way back in the fall of 1960 I was the most quiet, shy and insecure little girl. So shy, I never spoke to any adults ever except my parents and grandparents.My teachers leading up to 4th grade were cold and distant and probably did not like me because I was a weak student with very sloppy handwriting. I probably required more attention then other students and that meant more work for prior teachers. But you, Mrs. Shumsky, saw something sweet and vulnerable in me. I think you saw some actual potential because while other children were reading at their desk, you brought me to your desk and quietly tutored me. You helped me write my cursive letters correctly. You helped me improve in math. All this attention made me feel special and hopeful that I could succeed in school. The piece de resistance was being handed the lead role in our class play. I was to be a weeping willow for Arbor Day. This simple gesture made me incredibly happy and gave me the most valuable gift, a hint of confidence. I still had a long way to go but Mrs.Shumsky, you put me on the right road to a more fulfilling, “step out of your comfort zone”, life. Thank you my dear sweet teacher.

    Shelley Ann Kalstein
    Memories from 1960
    Kew Gardens, NYC

    Shelley Brill

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    • It only takes one. One to make you feel like you truly matter, to get you started to being who or what you want to be. That teacher was a wonderful person to choose you to be the special one and it made you feel that way. You needed that; and when you received a role in that school play, that just earned you a little more confident. She was a huge inspiration in your life and she will never be forgotten, because the true meaning of life started with her. She pointed you in the right direction, whether it was right away or down the line, each time you moved up in life, I’m sure you thought of her. Beautiful story.

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    • This is amazing. Mrs. Schumsky sure is a wonderful person and was a wonderful teacher and motivator for you. She did what no other teacher would do. Nurture you and give you a chance to succeed and become a better person and get you out of your comfort zone. Thank you for sharing

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