  • sheilaboswell9716gmailcom submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What is your ”perfect day?”What is your ”perfect day?” 2 months, 1 weeks ago

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    What is a “perfect day”?

    My head rested heavily on the pillow. Memories of the long day swirled in my mind. Exhausted, but content from my perfect day.
    The empty tea mug was set gently in the dishwasher. My book lay closed by my ruffled bed. Sleep was calling.
    A movie left unfinished, the kitchen was clean. House reset for another day.
    The evening had been bustling with dinner preparations. The counters dusted with flour, pans, and spices. The food sizzled on the stove. Dessert wafted through the room.
    Sunset called the evening home as we walked along the water. My darling pup ran in ahead as the city lights danced in the eyes of my lover.
    The afternoon vanished from sight as pages were written, rewritten, and tossed. The book was being born.
    Lunch was a quick salad break from a morning of creativity. Papers were strewn across the floor, books on the coffee table, and my favorite mug forgotten amongst the piles. My typewriter pierced the air with the prattle of the keys. Ringing to remind me I was at a new line.
    The late morning awakened my senses as I sat in a quiet coffee shop, mulling over plot lines, speaking commitments, and blog fantasies.
    Breakfast was a moment of calm before the crazy, my mind released all emotion and thought as I journaled a planned my day. The pup dashed around the house, energetic from the morning run.
    Water gushed from the faucet sputtering in protest from the shower head. I washed all sweat and worry away, hopeful for a new day.
    The sun crept from behind buildings and slowly woke up from its sleep. I smiled, walking back from the gym. Another beautiful start to another beautiful day.
    My mind woke up moments before I pulled myself out of bed, my lover squeezed my hand as I left for the gym.
    What is a perfect day if not one spent doing what you love with who you love.

    By Rose

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