  • sarita shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years, 3 months ago


    I fell in love with Emily when I was 10.
    Her take on love and death made me long to explain it as well as she could.
    She made me fall in love with words.
    Their power

    Every night after I received her poetry
    I would sink into dreams of what love and life meant.
    What it all could mean

    30 years later I am ready to not just read the truth.
    I am ready to be the truth.
    I am ready to be Emily.
    To have my words ring true
    To inspire the next Emily.
    The next Sarah

    Sarah Perez

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    • It’s beautiful to hear how Emily’s poetry impacted you and continues to inspire you. It’s a true testament to the power of words to shape our lives and perspectives.

      Write me back 

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