  • Shandi Henley shared a letter in the Group logo of Surviving AddictionSurviving Addiction group 4 months, 1 weeks ago

    It Started With A Dream

    It started with a dream.
    Oh wait, I was just high, clear my mind,
    and it is amazing what you’ll find
    all these sober feelings, my mind is racing.
    My heart is pacing
    but that money I’m still chasing
    It started with a dream
    I can’t waste no more time.
    I learned my lesson by committing my crime,
    I’m ready to move on in life
    and make a damn good wife
    despite what anyone has to say.
    I know that I can change my way
    I’m left with nothing, just like zero
    it’s time to be my own damn hero
    Forced to feel all this emotion,
    but I can’t give up cause I got devotion
    time to be dedicated, fuck it
    Let’s get educated
    open my Bible the only thing reliable,
    read about what’s expected out of me
    practice good behavior and see what life can be
    it started with a dream
    wipe those tears and clear those fears
    time to stand on my own 2 feet
    and then only will my goals be meet
    I got ambition in these eyes
    and if you can’t see that then I apologize
    and fuck you if you think otherwise
    clear my mind and it is amazing what you’ll find.
    Wonder if it ends with a Dream Come True!?

    Shandi Henley #SadGirlChronicles

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    • Wow! Shandi, this piece is incredible! I can feel your power through your words. There is so much greatness ahead of you! <3 Lauren

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    • Shandi, Your letter is filled with determination and a strong desire for change. It’s inspiring to see your commitment to personal growth and leaving behind past mistakes. Remember to stay focused on your goals and believe in yourself, despite what others may say. With dedication and education, you have the power to turn your dreams into reality. Keep pushing forward and never give up. Your journey may end with a dream come true.

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    • Shandi, God bless you for your poem!! Very inspiring and encouraging. I especially like the fact that you acknowledged the Bible. I do have a lot to say, but I’m going to type up this reply poem I wrote back to you. I don’t know how to do this stuff on the email but I will try to figure it out. Blessings to you-Timothy

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