  • sadgirlchronicles29 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write about a time you didn’t give upWrite about a time you didn’t give up 2 months, 1 weeks ago


    Hush, I say to the monster inside my head,
    I hate it when I find my way here
    to the darkest, deepest, dirtiest
    part of my own mind,
    depression my old friend.
    I get warped thoughts
    that are better left unsaid.
    It feels like I’m drowning 6 feet away.
    People are pointing, laughing, mocking,
    learn to swim I whisper to myself.
    I beg myself for forgiveness for being clumsy, clumsy with my words, clumsy with my heart, clumsy with my feelings, clumsy with life …
    it doesn’t last forever, and
    no cliché will make it any better
    I always find my way out of this voided space …it’s my own tribulations
    I close my eyes and I beg for rest
    I see myself standing, alone, no armor
    naked almost, vulnerable, I look lonely,
    I feel lonelier I remind myself,
    nobody is coming to save you.
    Nobody’s coming to push you
    you must dig deep,
    I become stronger than I ever envisioned.
    I wipe my tears away from my eyes.
    I brush my shoulders I stand tall
    and I move forward my battle doesn’t end here not today
    it’s just my own tribulations
    save yourself. Good bye rock bottom,
    until we meet again.

    Shandi Lynn

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends June 17, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Keep digging deep and finding your peace and your happiness. It certainly awaits you. Sending you the biggest hug. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family.<3 Lauren

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