
robertpaulallen's Letters

The Golden Years

The Golden Years
Those older and wiser advised
“Make time, travel the world,
before you retire, while you still can.”
I dreaded my golden years.

I understood that my final decades
would be fraught with infirmity,
pain, and misery. If not a shut in,
my good times would be shut down.

For years, my job had been my life.
Almost every hour, it con…read more

Turning Point

Turning Point

Until seventh grade, I skated through school
majoring in gym, lunch, and recess.
Rather than doing things right the first time,
I did extra credit to get passing grades.

That was before I met the man.
Tall, lanky, glasses, customarily
clad in a grey suit, red tie, white shirt,
thick dark hair fled away from his part.

Known as…read more

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