  • rengle3 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    The Journey

    In the ever-changing dance of life, I find myself surrounded by reasons to be grateful. Each day, I am presented with a vibrant tapestry of experiences that remind me to appreciate the little things.

    College is like an exhilarating adventure, where knowledge thrives and dreams are nurtured. It’s a place where friendships bloom like stars, illuminating the nights with laughter and love. These cherished moments with friends bring me endless joy.

    My family is my sanctuary, providing unwavering support and serving as the glue that holds everything together. And then there’s my boyfriend, a guiding light through life’s waves. His warmth and love create an anchor where my heart finds solace.

    Life throws hurdles our way, testing our strength and resilience. But it’s within these challenges that we truly discover our inner power. Embracing these hurdles becomes a testament to our resilience and marks the beginning of new journeys.

    I am grateful for the gentle kiss of each sunrise, for a love that grows deeper with every passing day, for those moments of pure bliss. In this symphony called life, gratitude soars like the notes played on a beautiful melody. I hold onto all that I cherish, now and for all time.

    Rebecca Engle

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    • Rebecca! This is so beautiful. College is such an amazing time of your life. I am so glad you are enjoying and soaking up every minute of it. And I always notice in your pieces your love for the people around you. You are so lucky to be surrounded by so much love and support. There is nothing better in life. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being such a wonderful part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • Very beautiful Rebecca! This is well written and heartfelt… I love how you used the dance and music analogies.

      I must say those hurdles are certainly worth embracing, gaining a strength no one can take away from you as you arrive on the other side. 💜

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