  • raedantes submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect?Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect? 7 months ago

    ⚠️ This letter has been reported

    Why I am deserving of Respect. Of the Utmost.

    I think I am worthy.
    I was born from the womb, screaming so.
    Feed me!
    Bathe me!
    Let me sleep!
    Take care of me!
    Oh, please, please,
    love me.
    I was born with my body believing, with every ounce, that it deserved love.
    It was the world, today’s world, that made me think otherwise.
    Or maybe, once I started thinking about love and stopped being it,
    is when the disconnect truly began.
    Regardless, one day, I’m not sure when,
    or how soon,
    the world stopped feeding me.
    Cleansing me.
    Letting me rest.
    And in turn, I surrendered my body to it,
    because I did not know where else to get my love.
    It was not until Later,
    when I started feeding myself,
    bathing myself,
    and giving myself permission
    to rest,
    that I recovered
    my nourishment,
    my cleanliness,
    and my wholeness.
    With this,
    I was able to disconnect from the world,
    at Long Last,
    and see my worth,
    Once Again.
    I could see how I was love,
    just by myself,
    just by existing!
    That’s what I knew before,
    before I stopped demanding it,
    that it was a deserved breath.
    Love is a birthright.
    And with love, respect comes beautifully entwined.
    I deserve respect because it is what gives power to the very core of our beings.
    The one thing that powers us all from the moment we are born,
    during, after, completely,
    and until the end of time.
    And is not the very force of our existence deserving of respect?


    Voting is open!

    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • ala replied 7 months ago

      Rue, this piece is absolutely beautiful! The only nickname I’ve ever liked has been “love” because I also feel like it is the only word in our language that can even approximate who I am. Your work resonates so much and is amazing! Would love to connect more in instagram if you have one <3

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    • Love it! You are absolutely right. You were born with the right to respect> I love this part of your piece: I could see how I was love,
      just by myself,
      just by existing!

      Thank you for sharing!

      Write me back 

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