

  • What is your favorite compliment?

    Hey Guys!

    I decided to introduce pen pals in groups of four. You can also add and write to anyone in the community, but this just breaks the ice a bit.

    So @johncarubbagmail-com @zaysmith1 @polok12 @prelude2cinema7 all say hello.

    To break the ice, share with each other the best compliment you have ever received. One of my personal favorites was from a friend from Buffalo. She had a lot of issues with the guy she was dating at the time. And when I was leaving she wrote me a card. In it she said, “Whenever I have to make a strong decision in life, I think of you.”

    I was so touched. Another favorite came from a man who was blind. He said, “Everyone keeps telling me that it’s too bad I can’t see because you are really beautiful. But I don’t need vision to see that you are beautiful.”

    He was saying I was beautiful person.

    I can’t wait to hear your stories!

    You guys can start a new letter/new thread in this group or any other group. You can post your letters on your social media and decide whether you want the letters to be public for the world or private for The Unsealed community.

    Thank you for being a part of the family, and I hope you guys enjoy writing to each other. If you have any questions, I am always here to help.

    I love you all,

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    • Dear Lauren,
      I know I don’t say it often enough but you inspire me. I know a lot of people are afraid to share their personal pain and even so to make something positive of it. I write crime stories and have heard how horrific sexual assault can be. It takes a lot of strength to discuss it and the law seems to be unkind to listen or respond. Y…read more

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      • Aww thanks Alex. You are too sweet and I am so glad we got to know each other over the past few years. And thank you so much for supporting @theunsealed It means THE WORLD to me.

        Anyways, not sure if you read what I wrote, but to break the ice share the best compliment you have ever received. I shared a few of mine.

        I like this challenge because…read more

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