  • opwriter submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 6 months ago

    On My Own Two Feet

    Dear, Unsealers:

    I’m grateful to be on my own feet. Each day, I see them with all the scars and calluses as symbols of confronting the biggest struggle with having cerebral palsy.

    Yet, they’ve carried me from the streets of NYC to sailing around the islands of Santorini. They wobble and tire out easily but they don’t give up on enjoying life.

    It’s with that idea in mind that this poem came along:

    I’m grateful for being on my own two feet

    As I’m able to open my eyes
    And see them in scarred, callused glory

    It wasn’t always this way, though…

    Years of being held back
    By varying braces and orthopedics
    A mentality that sunk into my mind

    Of being helpless
    When all I wanted to do was walk
    With normalcy, like everyone else

    Now, I treasure each step
    Whether its out of my room, walking down the block or in a new destination

    No matter the difficulty
    On hills, boats and all uneven terrain
    I step into my power

    To be on my own two feet
    A feeling that’s worth so much to me

    Gratitude doesn’t do it enough justice
    For the magic of walking on my own two feet

    Oswald Perez

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    • Your piece is truly exceptional, thank you for sharing it!

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    • Hi there, Oswald. Aiša here. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us <3

      I can only imagine the places those fighter-feet of yours will take you this year 🙂

      Happy New Year, Oswald!

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      • Oswald!!! I love this part:

        “No matter the difficulty
        On hills, boats and all uneven terrain
        I step into my power

        To be on my own two feet
        A feeling that’s worth so much to me”

        You are incredible. I am so inspired by your attitude, heart, and spirit. You are incredible.


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