

  • What I Am Most Grateful For

    What I Am Most Grateful For

    As we near the end of this challenging year,
    I reflect on the smiles, the laughs, and the tears.

    There is so much to be grateful for, but one thing stands out in my mind,
    It’s my Mother- A woman so strong and sweet and beautiful and kind!

    You see, almost 23 years ago, my Mom adopted me, a baby girl.
    And she is my true hero, my comforter, and my whole entire world!

    I appreciate her patience when I’m not doing well.
    She’s reached out a hand when I’ve stumbled and picked me up when I fell!

    I am so grateful for her, she’s so special, I’d even give my life,
    I remain grateful despite the hardships and the strife!

    Yes, I am most grateful for my Mother!
    I love that warm feeling I get when we embrace each other!

    And although one day, she and I may be physically apart,
    I’ll always be most grateful for her and her special place in my heart!

    Olivia M. Droddy

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    • Olivia! This is so special and so sweet. I hope you show her this piece. I know she will absolutely love it. She sounds like an amazing mom. She is so lucky to have a daughter who appreciates her and loves her the way you do. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • My Ideal Self

    My Ideal Self

    I look back on myself in the previous years of my life
    Thinking: Will I ever have a job, have children, or be a wife?

    When I flashback to all my poor choices of the past,
    I remember that fake smile that was hidden by a mask.

    But now, although I am disabled, I wish to make a difference on this Earth.
    You see, something amazing happened and that started with my birth.

    I wish to leave a great legacy behind,
    To open the eyes and give sight to the blind.

    I wish to help others and also to inspire,
    You say your flames gone out? So let me light your fire!

    All of this put together, creates a self I call “ideal”.
    When I think to myself, “Can it ever be accomplished? Can all of it be real?”

    So in the end, I say to myself, “Darling, don’t you worry, for there’s an ideal, master plan in place!
    And it all starts now with hope, love, happiness, and a smile on your face!”

    Olivia Droddy

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    • Olivia! This is amazing! I absolutely love it. It’s creative and clever and I love the message. You are totally right. Your best self starts with a smile on your face. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. Happy Holidays. <3 Lauren

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  • Why I Deserve Respect

    Why I Deserve Respect

    Early in my childhood is when the real trouble started.
    It was confusion, it was delusion, and I was very broken-hearted.

    But as I got older, I learned to cope with art.
    A crayon in my little hand marked the very start.

    First, it was drawing- mainly animals and flowers.
    Then thinking up poems for hours and hours!

    I sing, I write, I play the cello.
    And I’m never afraid to ask, “How are you?” or say, “Hello!”

    Yes, I’ve been through so very much over all the years.
    Now I write to all of those that will hear!

    The reason I believe I deserve respect is that I have so very much to give.
    Art, music, poetry- a whole life ahead to live!

    Last, I deserve respect, honor, and dedication
    Because I am a giver of hope, kindness, and inspiration!

    Olivia Droddy

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    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • Olivia, I love this. I love that used art to heal and empower yourself. Amazing. This piece is beautiful. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed community. <3 Lauren

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    • Hi there, Olivia. Aiša here. Thank you for sharing your story with us. And whatever you do…please, keep writing! Trust that I’m just one of many who’d love to hear more from you. Because this right here,

      “But as I got older, I learned to cope with art.
      A crayon in my little hand marked the very start.”

      this right here stole my heart!

      An…read more

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  • Leaving Your Comfort Zone

    Sometimes, you just have to stand up and say,
    “I will accomplish something new today!”

    You may feel uncomfortable and feel you’re on your own.
    Because now, you’re leaving your comfort zone.

    You see, you have a whole life ahead of you to make a difference on this earth
    It’s a legacy that you’re leaving that started with your birth.

    Don’t be afraid to step up and leave behind what’s familiar!
    After all, all butterflies start as caterpillars!

    You were made to do great things and accomplish much,
    You just have to be brave, you don’t have to walk with a crutch!

    And if you believe that you can do it and know you’re not alone,
    You’ll be just fine when you step out of your comfort zone!

    Olivia Droddy

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    • Olivia, This is a great, encouraging piece about leaving your comfort zone. I love this line,”Don’t be afraid to step up and leave behind what’s familiar!
      After all, all butterflies start as caterpillars!” Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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