

  • Over half a Hundred

    The seconds add up to minutes and minutes to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, weeks to months, months to years, years to decades. Unexpected losses not knowing if you made the right decision but knowing from the past not to make the same one again. Watching the blessings that were given to me to increase your family bloodline. More days behind me than in front of me, watching the difference in the frame that I have carried all these years, to see what could help me live among the ones I love and care for just a while longer. The ups and downs of learning to be me makes all the time here on earth a great love that can’t be explained, lessons that changed the course of every plan made, and at the setting of the sun and the knowing of another raising within a matter of time. I love my life and believe that the best is yet to come. Daughter, Mother, Grandmother, and Friend are the titles that I am proud to say I accomplish and will carry with me until the end of time. See you soon 54.

    Casandra MeDaniel

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Tomorrow will come!

    Look into the light and you will know that tomorrow will come, that no matter what we do or say time will not stand still. Tomorrow will come when we look back at times in our lives when hope was not a thought, that positive was a foreign language, even when we had to let go. We continued with the day sad, mad, confused but still tomorrow will come. Somehow through the stress, worry and pain we watched as the seconds, minutes and hours came that let us know tomorrow will come. Looking at how the color of the sky changed and the temperature being unknown we knew tomorrow will come. Babies get their way because they can’t take care of themselves. As we grow older it is our responsibility to take care of ourselves, it even changes to where other people depend on us weather, we asked to be put in that position or not and still tomorrow will come. Tomorrow will come after we take our first step, break our first bone, make our first friend. Tomorrow will come when we have our first heart break, find our purpose in life, and lose our first loved one. On the first job it might last until the day of retirement or just be a steppingstone to find out what kind of job you don’t want to work at, to find out if you’re good at sports or better at math but tomorrow will come. Fear has been a factor in every person since no one can say what will happen in the future for sure but that is a strength that comes with knowing tomorrow will come. People tend to think that everyone has the same thinking pattern and thoughts and it’s not true since some people have mental and physical disabilities that has made it to where they learning abilities impacted their total life different from someone that might not have something to hinder them until later on in life and still tomorrow will come. As time has gone on life on earth has changed where it has been recorded to show every day how things become better or worse on any given day and still tomorrow will come. Some people call it the ups or downs of life, lessons learned, good or bad experiences, one thing that never changes still tomorrow will come. There are things that we all wish we didn’t have to experience but there is no guarantee that every day is happy and sunny since there is no way to get away from a cold rainy day with the change of seasons still tomorrow will come. The number of days a person lives is the most unknown and how that person feels about their life, their surroundings, their past and future, but still tomorrow comes and one would say to be okay with the life that you have and make as many good memories to leave with your family and friends so you can always have something good to laugh and talk about more even though there will be bad times people remember as well but that is another thing that only that person has control over because still tomorrow will still come and it’s a waste to think of negative memories only that keeps a person sad and depressed and still tomorrow will come. So, take this in mind whether you had not a not-so-great life by your thoughts know that someone could look at you and see it all as joy and happiness while you are looking at someone else life and thinking it is or was better than yours. We all get at least 1 chance to make a decision to have a happy moment to make a memory that can last past your lifetime on to the next and knowing that still tomorrow will come there is an opportunity that you may not have had the day before and willing to make a plan for tomorrow to be different because it’s not today, today will only be here today and what you do with that time is up to you even if it doesn’t go your way you made it through the day and know that tomorrow is coming and things could be so different it would be a total surprise to you since there is always room for new and exciting things to come along and happen. Look past the darkness, look past the bad thoughts and memories, look toward the light of the new day even in the rain, heat or cold always and forever know that as long you see the light that still tomorrow is coming this is what I tell myself at the end of every day.

    Casandra McDaniel

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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