

  • Why You Should not let Fear ruin your Accomplishments

    Dear someone who is about to give up,
    I have just finished my freshman year of college. I have made many good friends and achieved good grades, and even joined a few clubs. However last summer if you told me that was going to be my freshman year experience I probably would not have believed you. My whole life I have had a speech impediment and for as long as I can remember my biggest fear was speaking to or meeting new people. It terrified me to have to put myself out there because I never knew how people were going to respond. And up until my freshman year of college, I was always able to hide behind my twin sister. Me and her are so close and do everything with each other because of this we had the same friends and I always let her take the lead on making them. When this happened I was always there by association or friends by the association at least I felt like I was. It was not until I was literally forced to go out at and make friends at school without having my sister by my side(we went to different colleges) that I realized I was even capable of this. So trust me I understand firsthand how scary things can be especially if they do not go the way you thought at first. However, I also understand how fear can hold you back and keep you from achieving your goals and dreams. Please do not wait as long as I did to let fear stop me from reaching my accomplishments

    Morgan Shagrin

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    • Hi Morgan,
      You are so right. It is important to go beyond your comfort zone and experience new worlds. New people, new activities, and new places. Life is so much more fulfilling when you just go for it. I try to push myself every day to do something new and scary. I always find that what I thought was scary was really exciting. It is a…read more

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    • Fear is one of the biggest things to hold us back. Because we fear the change we hold off on it because it feels unnatural and we don’t accept change because of the fear of not “going back to normal”. Thank you for sharing

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