  • milan submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect?Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect? 10 months, 2 weeks ago


    I am a picture with no frame, no writing on the back, year unknown
    I am not the kind of picture you display in your living room, on your bedroom dresser, or even on your fridge. I am difficult to recall, tucked away under forgotten dreams and errands. Trash that no one ever throws away. Useless storage for the nosy children to find. I am not met with a smile when found, just quickly shoved to the back of guilt and shame we took thankless blame for. I am a picture without a frame flashing a toothy smile I thought was real. My frame was broken for being thrown away and replaced by a cluttered drawer. Somehow, I was still developed to even be here so maybe frames are for wallflowers anyway.

    Milan Anaj-Clara Eatmon

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • Dear Milan,
      You are not frameless. I see you and you are beautiful. Always know that and stay strong in your pursuit of happiness.



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    • Aww you are strong and you are great. And you are beautiful. Hold your head up high. You are amazing <3 Lauren

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    • Your piece is truly exceptional, thank you for sharing it!

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    • Milian-Anaj you are a picture perfect sense in my aura. I tuck pictures, cards and notes deep inside of my closet and clothes drawers because those are the pieces that mean THE MOST to Me. I have a minnie mouse birthday card from my mom when I turned 14… its not out in the open on display its tucked deep within so the moments when I am loosing my footing around Me I go through my cards and feel whole again. You may be frameless but trust Me … you are most certainly timeless! Thank you for sharing a bit of your soul with us! :”)

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    • Hi there, Milan. AiÅ¡a here. Thank you for sharing this work of heart and art with all of us here. You are memorable. You are worthy of being remembered. And believe it or not, I carry the very same worry around. Everywhere I go. I never put it down. And so the fear of being forgotten persists. I want to assure you that you will not be “difficult to recall,” not for me 🙂 Thank you for this unforgettable read <3

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