

  • Phosphorescent

    The last few years have felt like a blurr, but now it feels like things are glowing 🙂

    It’s winter but
    The future is
    emitting light.
    It’s dark outside
    but that’s mostly because
    we live mostly at night.
    Vibe; phosphorescent
    not real yet
    but I feel its essence.
    My future, future self
    is reminiscent.
    She thinks about the year
    that she hoped things would change,
    she let go of fear,
    she let the universe rearrange.
    The year that she received exactly
    what she wanted;
    it all gradually came to me
    it was never chased, never hunted.
    I finished my script
    then it was time to sell,
    if I sold it by my 30th birthday
    well, wouldn’t that be swell.
    But, “I’m not worried”
    life is better when enjoyed
    not rushed nor hurried.
    I’ll keep teaching English
    because of I am lover of literature
    a lover of words, of nomenclature.
    Also, happen to be a lover of nature.
    Spring will come and winter will fade,
    dead leaves for flowers
    will make quite the trade.
    We bought a patch of land
    we never knew what we wanted
    but now it’s all planned.
    Can’t wait to build our home
    brought to us by
    little prayers and little ohms.
    Tiny home living out in the woods,
    shipping container turned into a locally made good.
    Wearing carhartts,
    connecting pieces and parts,
    my partner and I,
    we will do this together.
    Me? Build a house?
    I would have thought never!
    Then, later we will gear up for the fall
    Gear up for when we answer the call
    Filming the story I dreamt up in my head
    I can hear actors saying lines
    that I wrote in my bed.
    Deeply inspired by my drive through the swamp,
    deep down in Florida where the alligators stomp,
    deep down where the story takes place,
    deep down where my main character
    learns the story of grace.
    Wrap up filming
    probably not in 2023
    but probably 2024
    and by then I hope to be
    living in my house
    writing a dozen stories more.
    I am thankful for this new year to evolve,
    it’s not like the things from before
    will completely dissolve;
    We can alchemize the past
    We can live in the present
    We will wait for the future
    I can feel
    that it’s phosphorescent.

    Madi Trout

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    • Madi, this is so well written. Congratulations on building a home. That is so exciting! It’s sounds like you not only laid the bricks for a beautiful home but also a beautiful year and life. Thank you for sharing this creative, insightful and inspiring poem. And thank you for being a part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • Your Poem is so amazing Madi. I love the line where you said The year that she received exactly
      what she wanted;
      it all gradually came to me
      it was never chased, never hunted.You just knew that your dream wasn’t just a dream and that it would come gradually. You didn’t stress about what you didn’t have any control over but you only did what you…read more

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  • Aww thank you! Thank you for using the word “gentle” to describe the tone, I love that. I feel like I am learning new ways to be gentle with myself, a journey I will never regret. I look forward to sharing more 🙂

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  • Thank you 🙂 I am so glad you felt all of the things I wanted to express! I hope to share these kinds of messages with the youth, because truly, imagine how different life would be! <3

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  • To my one true love

    To My One True Love, 

    Those words might sound weird or not make sense to you now, but if you start to refer to yourself as love, your true love, you will experience the magic inside of you, unfolding and taking you to all of the places you could ever want to go. You are the living love story of you. 

    Your fear of surviving is merely an illusion, my love. I don’t mean to be blunt, as you sometimes tend to take things very personally, I simply mean to convey that when the lingering thoughts of quitting college commence, flow with them. As you begin thinking and feeling about how farming in Ireland is more appealing than your writing classes and literature studies, listen. You’ve only known the linear path that most are expected to live, but the world, and your human experience can be much more grand than that. Deep down, you know this already, but the attempted ingrained notion that has been passed down to you, is not yours. It’s the illusion given to you from your father, my love, and it does not belong to you. 

    You tend to hide the essence of who you are from your mother, so that you can convince yourself she accepts you. My love, this too, has nothing to do with you. While you believe that you must prove you are worthy of respect and admiration, learn to discern, to understand, grapple with the perfection you already are. Your core ideologies are rooted in love. You don’t realize it, but you yearn to be a fierce woman. I validate you from the future; it is safe to allow yourself to be all that you are. Lose the people pleasing pattern of behavior, and you will be pleased with yourself. 

    Everything you desire, desires you too. Go to Ireland, have lovers, get tattoos, go to Chicago and attempt a career in stand up comedy-go down the roads that call to you. You will know yourself in a different way than I have come to know us, but we will end up in the same place because the message we were born to share has never changed. I feel no shame in my choices, but I followed the linear path, the path led by outside forces to “success”. Chase what brings you joy from the beginning, that’s having it figured out, that’s why we’re here. Inevitably, you will experience loss, pain, disappointment, failure, but it feels so much better if it’s something your heart told you to do instead of your mind. I took an education course and hated it, but I knew I was here to teach. I taught in a public school during a pandemic and it took that experience to tell me, I can teach somewhere else, in a different place, in a way that suits me, us. 

    You are a writer, you know this; this knowledge makes up the plasma, cells, and platelets in your blood. No professor, no parent, no person can tell you who or what you are. You decide what you are for yourself and since before you could even write, it was instinctual that you were born to tell stories. Go live the stories you dream of and go tell the people what you’ve learned. I’m doing it now, and perhaps maybe these are the stories I’m meant to be telling and teaching, but love, the thought of looking back and seeing smiles instead of anxieties brings peace to the soul. The world will wait for you, 


    P.S. Just go ahead and get shaving your head over with instead of doing it when you’re 29.


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  • To my one true love

    To My One True Love, 

    Those words might sound weird or not make sense to you now, but if you start to refer to yourself as love, your true love, you will experience the magic inside of you, unfolding and taking you to all of the places you could ever want to go. You are the living love story of you. 

    Your fear of surviving is merely an illusion, my love. I don’t mean to be blunt, as you sometimes tend to take things very personally, I simply mean to convey that when the lingering thoughts of quitting college commence, flow with them. As you begin thinking and feeling about how farming in Ireland is more appealing than your writing classes and literature studies, listen. You’ve only known the linear path that most are expected to live, but the world, and your human experience can be much more grand than that. Deep down, you know this already, but the attempted ingrained notion that has been passed down to you, is not yours. It’s the illusion given to you from your father, my love, and it does not belong to you. 

    You tend to hide the essence of who you are from your mother, so that you can convince yourself she accepts you. My love, this too, has nothing to do with you. While you believe that you must prove you are worthy of respect and admiration, learn to discern, to understand, grapple with the perfection you already are. Your core ideologies are rooted in love. You don’t realize it, but you yearn to be a fierce woman. I validate you from the future; it is safe to allow yourself to be all that you are. Lose the people pleasing pattern of behavior, and you will be pleased with yourself. 

    Everything you desire, desires you too. Go to Ireland, have lovers, get tattoos, go to Chicago and attempt a career in stand up comedy-go down the roads that call to you. You will know yourself in a different way than I have come to know us, but we will end up in the same place because the message we were born to share has never changed. I feel no shame in my choices, but I followed the linear path, the path led by outside forces to “success”. Chase what brings you joy from the beginning, that’s having it figured out, that’s why we’re here. Inevitably, you will experience loss, pain, disappointment, failure, but it feels so much better if it’s something your heart told you to do instead of your mind. I took an education course and hated it, but I knew I was here to teach. I taught in a public school during a pandemic and it took that experience to tell me, I can teach somewhere else, in a different place, in a way that suits me, us. 

    You are a writer, you know this; this knowledge makes up the plasma, cells, and platelets in your blood. No professor, no parent, no person can tell you who or what you are. You decide what you are for yourself and since before you could even write, it was instinctual that you were born to tell stories. Go live the stories you dream of and go tell the people what you’ve learned. I’m doing it now, and perhaps maybe these are the stories I’m meant to be telling and teaching, but love, the thought of looking back and seeing smiles instead of anxieties brings peace to the soul. The world will wait for you, 

    P.S. Just go ahead and get shaving your head over with instead of doing it when you’re 29.



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    • Madi this is so well written. I love the idea of a love story with yourself. And I am with you – I don’t want to live a linear life. There is so much pressure to do so, but it is not for everyone. You are like me – you need a little adventure. – Take the trip, kiss the boy (or girl), live the life YOU want and have fun along the way! Loved your…read more

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    • Wow it’s all I can say from reading this story. Self love is such an important thing to have. What makes this a great letter is that you found your own path to self love your one true love is someone you can always count hard and not many people can count on others but you know what’s in your mind and in your heart so you can trust yourself. Ama…read more

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    • Salutations,
      I admire your courage and commend you for sharing. I hope the audiences you reach can grasp everything you convey within this letter to yourself and I hope you celebrate how far you’ve come. I think everyone can agree that being gentle and loving with yourself is of the utmost importance. For who will love us when the world doesn’t?…read more

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      • Aww thank you! Thank you for using the word “gentle” to describe the tone, I love that. I feel like I am learning new ways to be gentle with myself, a journey I will never regret. I look forward to sharing more 🙂

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    • Madi I love how well written your letter is! You knock out some major life lessons right away and I love how you write it. Romanticizing how to love yourself and discovering what’s at your core is the quickest way to loving yourself in my opinion. Then how you know into breaking down the fears that are illusions created through behaviors and i…read more

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      • Thank you 🙂 I am so glad you felt all of the things I wanted to express! I hope to share these kinds of messages with the youth, because truly, imagine how different life would be! <3

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    • I use to be an adventurer. When I was younger I would go into the woods and imagine I was in a fantasy land. Now I’m older and I’m rediscovering that side of me with my husband by my side. Society tries its best to cripple that part of us.

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