

  • Like swirled watercolor

    I had been imprisoned once, held captive by the powers that be. Small and alone within a cage, biting and clawing to find my way out. I felt lost, alone and filled to the brim with despair. Within the fortress was a tiny barred window fixed above. A tiny spider dangled from a web and the sun shone through a film, years of grime and dust painting the cell in rose gold bathing me in its warm light. Washing over my external self and soothing spaces where hurt and sadness had filled prior. I prayed in my bed staring at concrete walls and begging God to help me heal and find a way out of the mess I had found myself in. I had been stripped of my housing, my children, my lover, my family and all worldly possessions and all that had remained was me in this space with a thread of hope to either hold on to or hang myself up with. In these moments I had two choices. Grow bitter, cold, hard and uncaring or remain soft, innocent, compassionate and loving. I chose love. And the door swung open to my cell allowing me freedom to rebuild that which had been lost. I nurtured myself daily, wiping ash from my brow and cheekbone and allowing them to settle where they had belonged. I attended classes and therapy, taking all that they had offered in. Learning to set goals and work on them achieving things I had thought id never achieve before. Prior to being imprisoned I had no idea what would become of me. Had I continued on my path those around me would surely have influenced me into my grave. Misery loving company old aged cliches. Dusty being that had given up on the search for threads of hope and change. Stagnant and never growing out of the pit they had found themselves in. I found myself a cozy apartment with a ball and chain around my ankle. Keeping me imprisoned again but this time within four rooms and a hallway. However I was content and happy as many windows allowed the light to shine through and caress me in its healing warmth. I wrote poetry, and kept to myself, cutting off the ties to the past and starting to begin again. I began building my credit and paying the bills. Eventually graduating from that stage of my life and purchasing a home instead of renting a four roomed dungeon. At first I was angry and bitter at the men that had come to place me in captivity. But seeing the brighter side of things I see it had turned my life around. I grew, flourished, found myself to be hardworking and a achiever. Unsure of the future but content with the path I had been set upon. What had left me caged for a period of time could have very well of been the very thing that had saved my life. My emotions gentle, swirled watercolors against a bright open canvas. So much to add and little to take away. Forever grateful for my higher power and those who pulled me from destruction.

    Kristen grula

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Taking The First Step Forward

    Dear Unsealers,

    The moment that changed my life happened on a random Thursday in August of 2002. However, when it happened, I didn’t know my life would change.

    But I’m getting ahead of myself here…

    We have to go back to the summer of 2001.

    I had a pair of surgeries on my right leg. This was the third round of surgery on my leg in an attempt to fix a deformity that had been with me since childhood. The most profound complication that having cerebral palsy brought into my life. Seven stitches and three pins in my middle toes. I was bedridden for most of the summer and at a shallow point. But I knew that I couldn’t give up on myself so easily.

    Nine months of physical therapy would follow. Twice a week after school, I would travel to the Hospital For Special Surgery on the east side of Manhattan. It wasn’t easy, as my knee stiffened up in the process. In time, I would go from a wheelchair to a walker and a cane before ultimately ending up with a brace on my right leg.

    On this particular Thursday, I went to visit with my surgeon. At the end of the appointment, he uttered these words: you can take the brace off.

    I looked at him dumbfounded, and a bit terrified. I hadn’t taken a step forward without help in some time. But he wasn’t kidding, I could take the brace off my leg.

    As I did, I took the first step forward. A beaming smile came across my face and so did it on the face of my mother. I took a few steps more after that.

    All the memories of doctor’s appointments, orthopedics, and surgeries faded away. I could feel my self-esteem starting to come back after a lifetime of feeling terrible about myself with all the other complications.

    With perfect timing too, as my senior year of high school was close at hand. I couldn’t wait to show everyone my leg without the brace there.

    This was the moment when I was reborn.


    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • To know you

    To know you now, is to know you then
    …even if I didn’t.

    I thought I did, but now..
    I’m certain that I didn’t.

    I felt the love, the way you wanted
    I just…didn’t.

    It hurts my heart,
    what I thought was you and now I see isn’t.

    To know you now, is to accept
    what I didn’t see
    what I wouldn’t hear before…

    and wonder if you can finally feel
    all that is unspoken…

    To know you now, is to long for all that could be…should be
    that and so many memories more…

    But in the end,
    to know you saved me
    and also crushed me to my core.

    Amanda George DuBose

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Midnight

    I don’t think I will ever have THAT kind of strength again. As I review every month in my mind – my eyes water, my heart stings, I can’t breathe.
    With each passing month, I ebb between gladness and sorrow. I push through. My mind fogs some, and I’m grateful. Clarity hurts. To believe in Truth and then have it snatched away is a punch, confusing at best.
    I know that stillness heals. Not at first, but in time. Though kindness is at bay, I reach and hope for connection.
    When darkness falls, I refuse to give in. I stay alert. I stay here.
    I am tender under the weight. I see you too. There is more. The work, the very hard work, and the claiming pay off. Let’s finish well. Forgive.
    Jump start tomorrow. Keep believing this path is good and necessary and yours. Announce it. The line no longer matters.
    I hear the cheers. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
    © Stephanie Connors
    Midnight written March 2020

    Stephanie Connors

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • sane or insane

    life how quickly and swiftly things can change within a snap of a finger your life can never, may ever not be the same the day i got questioned into thinking my thinking wasn’t even my own thinking

    of being on earth but listen there’s two things in this world being sane or insane but crazy is what most people would say or label you just because of one bad episode you had within your own television show

    you watched that personal day the show wasn’t really that good but in the ending why did it end badly?

    Like some people would question and say but that’s just like people who can’t help but control majority of their emotions and feelings when they don’t know what’s GOING ON , ON, TURN ON!!!!

    that television for what’s about to happen that day but then comes drama in every show

    now all of a sudden all things change the character, the time, the places, the plot even the EPISODE NAME but CRAZY is what you, you, him, her, she, them, they, whatever what people would say

    because you don’t recognize change you don’t know how it feels to be sane then insane then
    crazy for that specific day but SPECIAL BEING, Great individual, Intelligent person, caring, motivational, humanitarian, lovely is one word to
    call it

    Especially when it comes to me Tionna Elandria Hilliard you don’t recognize or could even acknowledge mental health as being crazy or insane like almost every ignorant person would think to say or rub off on special being in a way

    Tionna E Hilliard

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • purplespoonie submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem (or letter) about a turning point in your lifeWrite a poem (or letter) about a turning point in your life 2 days, 1 hours ago

    This post is viewable by the Unsealed community only.

    I'm Still Here

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  • A New

    The gravitational pull
    To something merely as
    The birth of a star,
    Could it be the poisoning rain
    With the parasitic thoughts
    That suggest otherwise?
    Or the light that illuminates the darkness
    That never had the empowerment
    Of a savior to its own?
    How about the adrenaline
    From a sky dive momentum
    That compels your weakness
    To be worn as a tattoo…
    The art of letting go precisely
    Beckons the angel of death
    Despite the strength to walk on water.
    It is apparent to the bravery
    Against the war ahead?
    Nothing is ostensible
    When it harbors a purpose.


    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Forgiveness

    To my Mother,

    I wanted to tell you that I love my job and I love my home. I love my jeep and my boat and my 2 little dogs and my husband. For the first time in my life ever I feel like I’m on stable ground. I feel secure in my job and in my marriage. I make really good money and my husband supports me and cares about me.
    What I wanna say next is gonna be hard for me cuz it brings me back to the evening I called my lawyer and told her I don’t wanna fight for my daughter in court anymore. I cried into the phone pretty much broken and I told her that I’d rather be happy than be right and that’s what I really want. So you are right! I chose a man over my kids. I chose to move on from my divorce to marry a new and really kind man. You are absolutely right! It’s not an easy thing to say cuz you did that to me and I’m so unbelievably sorry if my you feel that way. I know how that feels. It like breaks you from the inside out. I really wish you didn’t feel like that. What I really wish is that you knew how much you mean to me. Cuz if you can feel what I feel, my heart is pretty much broken without you!

    I chose a man over my kids! I will say that a million times if it means that I will break that cycle!

    You told me once that I study the word from my mind! Maybe you were right about that too but not anymore. I just wanna know why I never ever saw a Bible in your hand. You never studied all the heroes from the past. You never told me that after Noah got off the ark that he got drunk and fell asleep naked outside his tent. You never told me that David’s family never believed in him and was even condescending to him. You never told me that Joseph forgave his brothers for selling him into slavery only after their acts of repentance. And you never told me that when you choose to give your life to Christ, a certain conviction is released in your soul that transforms who you are. All you ever talked about was “forgive and forget!” Tell me why I shouldn’t practice what you preached now. That I should forgive you and forget you too! All my life, I have been searching for a lifeline and I thought it was you but it wasn’t cuz you cut it in half over and over and over again.

    You told me once that I was nothing but a crybaby and you know what. You were right about that too! But at least I cried! And you were a really big part of that. I can’t go around acting like nothing is wrong anymore. I can’t bury things under the rug anymore. God can’t forgive anyone if it’s still hidden under there! With absolutely no acknowledgement, no repentance, no answers. No change!

    I do agree that this huge division in our family comes from judgements. My daughter judging me, me judging you! Everyone in the family judging each other. Honestly it’s easy to bring up what happened 30 years ago when I’m the one being judged today. Especially since it’s never ever been resolved. I guess in the end that really doesn’t matter. What matters to me was that it was a really terrible thing that happened but I was the only one who stood by you after I had to testify to put my stepfather in prison for sexually abusing me. I was the only one who defended you for years. I never cared what your part was in it because the only thing I saw was how much it hurt you. I would never wish that on anyone. But you did that to me because of a judgment that was never ever resolved. That you never resolved. You agreed to testify against me in the custody trial over my daughter’s custody case just so you can prove that I’m just as bad as you. If you need to portray me as this person who’s just as bad as you are, then I’m good with that. I’m human and I know I make mistakes. I’m flawed and I’m not always right. But I never agreed to testify against you. That was never ever my choice and it destroyed me for years after. You turned her back on me and helped my daughter judge me after I stood by you for so long. We are not the same.
    But I do forgive you for my own peace of mind. I forgive you, like I always have!

    Matthew chapter 18: 21-22 says that Peter asked the Lord how many times may my friends sin against me and how many times must I forgive them. The Lord answered him, I say to you not 7 times but 70 times 7.
    When I think about this verse, I think about you!
    I really don’t want to forgive you. But I will. I will because the devil don’t want me too. I will because I’m done with my walk of shame! But most of all, I want my freedom like God promised! I will because i choose Grace instead of retaliation, like you! I’m doing it because you don’t have much longer on this earth & I want both of us to have Peace before you go!

    And honestly, what I have learned in the whole grand scheme of things is that I want to do it for nothing in return. I don’t need your approval. I don’t need your validation. I don’t need your acceptance. I don’t need your apology. I don’t need your respect. I don’t even need a response. I don’t need it from anyone but myself! Anything you have, I don’t want it anymore. I used to need all of that in a bad way. That’s why I kept going back to you. But I know now that you can’t give me what you do not have!

    Your Daughter!

    Wanda Mulvaney

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Dear You

    Dear You,
    From the day you were born, you had trouble.
    Your parents always told you, “if you were the first you would have been the last.”
    Your siblings always called you “fat lips” or “venus fly trap.”
    Your friends always criticized you for asking “stupid” questions.
    The hard truth is, you just didn’t know.
    You thought you were going to be the highschool dropout, the failure of the family, the
    kid that people always called “not the brightest crayon in the box” because you couldn’t read, or
    write, or count, or do anything in particular.
    Your looks were average, your learning capabilities were below average, so what could
    you do to make it to the top of the food chain?
    Absolutely nothing.
    Cry yourself to sleep, harm yourself until your Mom screams at you and your Granny
    tells you how disappointed she is. But it’s okay, you only wanted the attention anyway.
    To feel loved, really.
    You went from school, to school, to school.
    Teachers could not teach,
    Kids laughed at you for getting the answer wrong,
    And you hated yourself.
    Your favorite color was blue, you loved to read, and lacrosse was your escape from

    You finally found your way up the food chain, you were athletic, you were called a
    daredevil for the crazy things you did, but sometimes, you felt scared.
    Mom and Dad wanted you to play lacrosse in college, but you were barely getting
    through elementary school, middle school, high school. Everything was so pointless and you just
    wanted to lay in bed until your Dad yelled at you to do something, anything, anywhere.
    You found joy when you got two kittens. You named them Sassy and Buddy. They helped
    you through the pandemic.
    You got to snuggle them and they would never tell you anything that you didn’t want to
    They only ever loved you.
    You were diagnosed with mental disorders and learning disabilities.
    Buddy had emergency surgery. He didn’t make it. Neither did your old dog, Lexi. Your
    world shattered.
    You vowed to cherish your animals for as long as possible. You vowed to take photos of
    them whenever you could. You never know when they will leave this world.
    You tried to be happy for the people around you. For your friends, your siblings, your
    parents and teachers and anyone else who cared. It was always so, so hard.
    You rediscovered your love for writing. Your teacher at your new school cared about you
    and looked out for you. You made new friends. You committed to a college to play lacrosse. You
    felt like you were healing.
    You got into that college. You went to a suicide victim’s funeral, and then another. You
    became angry at them, for leaving such a beautiful world. But then you remembered how ugly it
    had been to you.

    You moved away to college. You went to your Grand Dad’s funeral. You had a hard time
    fitting in. You had to put down one of your horses at home on the farm. Your confidence was
    faltering. But your academics were the only thing that mattered.
    A’s and B’s. No more, no less. If you fail, your whole life would be for nothing. Your
    dreams would be lost. Fail and you lose.
    You enter your second year of college, and you confessed to your teammate that you
    weren’t happy. You confessed to yourself at that moment, and you cried. She tells you that she
    loves you, and she’ll help you get through this. Your other teammates are nicer to you, they talk
    to you and involve you in things. It makes you happy to feel loved.
    Even when it may not be real.
    In your heart it’s real. It will help you feel better about yourself.
    You vowed to love everyone so they never feel how you did for your entire life.
    You vowed to heal.
    Your journey isn’t over, and you have a long way to go. But through the ups and downs
    you finally feel like you’re ready to find peace with yourself.
    Dear You,
    Thank you for loving you when no one else would.
    You’ve been through so much.



    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Dear mom, I'm sorry about last time

    Dear Mom… I’m sorry about my last letter.
    Guess that was a big event for you too, huh?

    Our last words will be our last.
    I can’t tell you all I want to say, I want to, but I can’t.
    Least not to your face, like always.

    I miss you, I love you. I’m sorry.
    A thousand times sorry, I had to go, I had to.

    2021 was his 10th anniversary, and for each of those years, I did my best.
    I was still a child, Mom. Where did you go…? Why were the walls of your room better than being with me? I wasn’t your natural born, and I sure know that now… She made sure of that.

    I’m sorry about my last letter, Mom. It took months to find the courage. To say goodbye to the only person I ever knew. The meaning I gave my life – taking care of you. You wouldn’t know Mom, I cried myself to sleep for months after it. Wondering if I did the right thing, even though I had everyone’s full support, I tried. I tried. I gave my everything. I tried until I couldn’t.

    It ended with us. And I’m the only one left out, like always.
    I wanted the best for you, but I wanted the best for me too.
    Neither of us was that.

    I tried until my detriment, I tried. You were my world.
    It has been some time, but life is better now,
    and like before, it will get better again.

    I miss you Mom, I hope you’re doing well.
    I think about you almost every day.

    I’m sorry I couldn’t stay, I know why…
    Every day I wish I could come back, to when it was good.
    Somewhere you started hating me…
    Maybe I had too much of my biological father in me, I don’t know.
    You did often compare us two, while I was growing up.
    What did you see in me, that made you hate me…

    Maybe I’ll write again, there’s still so much left to say. My letters will be to you like they are to Dad. Addressed to the void and the stars. Words left unsaid.

    Even in those unsaid words, I can say things are better, I can say I still love you, I can say I miss you. Goodbye Mom, until we meet in the void again.

    Mars Wilson

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Motivational Change

    16 years old being taken from my mom.
    ”what did I do mom?”
    moving from place to place.
    asking my caseworker if I’ll ever be happy again,
    never getting an answer.
    some places I would have to stay at,
    I would get my life ripped from me.
    even times where,
    they would hurt me.
    but every caseworker I ever had,
    if I told them I would be told,
    ”you’re just looking for attention.”
    but I wasn’t.
    when I turned 18 they couldn’t find me a placement.
    so they told me
    we are probably gonna leave you,
    to live on the streets.
    that terrified me thinking, am I that horrible?
    I decided I would go get a job.
    if they won’t help me, I’ll help myself.
    but right as I got a job
    my caseworker told me I’m apparently
    not allowed to get a job.
    I told them I understood but kept the job behind their backs.
    eventually they found a place for me.
    so I packed my one bag together and went with them there.
    right from the start I had my guard up.
    I went to independent living apartments so I was stuck with workers still.
    at least I have my own little apartment.
    continuing to push myself in work and school.
    learning to count on myself instead of others for help.
    starting in my free time writing.
    reflecting on what has all happened.
    ”I still don’t understand why I was treated like this.”
    ”this is why I wanna be a caseworker”
    ”show kids more respect and what kindness feels like”
    now 19 years old starting college late September
    moved into an adult foster home with lovely folks who I consider family.
    starting to experience what happiness and love actually feels like.
    loving myself for who I am.
    knowing nobody needs to change for others.

    Theo Curtis

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Expectations of the Creator vs The Creation

    Tears rolled down my face as I realized for the first time that I had to take accountability for the parts I played in the heartache, grief and disappointment I had experienced in my life.

    For the ones I loved, I had always been willing to show up at the drop of a dime. Even overlook my self to be of service to others and when it wasn’t reciprocated it devastated me. Often I wondered why I wasn’t good enough to be treated as I had treated others? Why was my passion for people draining me? Why wasn’t I valued as I valued others? As these thoughts plagued my mind; I had never felt fulfilled but yet I still gave of myself; even if it was just fumes of hope and perseverance.

    As I lay one morning, spiritually empty and struggling to understand the purpose for my life and the unbalanced return of my goodness. I heard a faint laugh followed by a voice that questioned me. “Do you know why you continue to be disappointed by (hu)man?” I sat clueless, speechless and puzzled and God answered, “Because you put your expectations in everyone except me!” The realization had smacked me dead in the face! I had totally disregarded God by not trusting HIM to be whom he said HE IS, HAS BEEN AND WILL BE! I hadn’t leaned on him, yet I had expected from others, what I needed; not what they were able or capable to give. Neither had I took the time to see if they were knowledgeable of how to give it.

    For example, when I needed and wanted love; I picked and set upon individuals my expectations on how, when, where and what I wanted that love to look like. I was completely unaware or either I totally disregarded if they even knew how to love; what love was; when to show it or express it.

    God showed me in that moment that I had put more faith in his creation than HIM, THE CREATOR. How crazy was I to do that? I had been putting him last to depend on, consult with and follow. I had unconsciously considered (hu)man to be more fulfilling to me than God and that’s why I had felt so empty.

    From that day I stepped out the way and asked God to be God! I have never put a human before him again. I trust him with all of me and every aspect of my life. And in return he has granted me some of my greatest desires and the greatest of them all is MY PEACE. It wasn’t until I begin to trust him did I discover it had laid dormant in me the entire time, I just had to release it.

    L. Sunshine Lewis

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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    • This is so beautiful and so true! What an amazing revelation for you to experience. God is amazing and as you continue to put him first he will lead you in what he has for you and peace while doing it! Keep sharing! 🙌

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  • The Ultrasound

    Cold, antiseptic air crushes down upon my chest
    as barely padded steel pushes back from the other side,
    effectively pinning my teenage body to a table
    in a darkened room I don’t want to be in.
    A heartbeat pounds in my ears— too fast
    to be mine, yet instantly mine.
    I watch the screen flutter with blurred vision,
    regret for what I was there to do soaking my shamed face,
    igniting a fierce protectiveness older than time.
    My mind reaches outward to thank God
    for orchestrating my enlightenment
    and the pressure dissipates, replaced by determination that’s both weightless and dense.
    Visions of my future shift faster than high-frequency sound images freeze and unfreeze,
    their light searing fate’s Morse code into my consciousness
    and I know with absolute certainty that any plans I had dreamt up
    before this moment were imagined for an alternate self—
    one who wasn’t yet strong enough to tackle life for two.

    Necia Campbell

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • S.K shared a letter in the Group logo of Women's EmpowermentWomen's Empowerment group 1 weeks, 3 days ago

    Birthday Story

    “The two important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why”-Mark Twain.
    Life’s numerical milestones have changed .
    I view 46 as 30+ 16 rather than 50-4 Mathematically and philosophically.
    46 was a nameless nobody . Turning 46 just meant a step closer to the golden years and nothing more than that.
    But now , this previously insignificant number has a whole glamour quotient of its own. A modern day new kinda big deal .
    Feeling “ 45+1” or “almost 46” does sorta have a grounding undertone to it. A settling sense of self assuredness.
    Chances are at this juncture, you are where you shall be for the rest of your life..atleast in most aspects of your life.
    So it’s best to acknowledge all of it , embrace it, celebrate the done-its and get over the have-nots.
    My so-called big birthday beckons me in a few days. And I feel fine. In reality, I feel more than just fine.I feel feisty and fine. Each day bringing with it an epiphany of sorts. The realization that aging gracefully means learning to detach and step back . Ironically, learning the art of detachment is not a lesson in learning to let go.
    It actually involves quite the opposite. It involves recognizing and holding on to all that is relevant and enriching. And no , age is not just a number. How we wish it was! It is way more layered than that.
    Physically, the 45 year old body is not and organically should not be what it used to be . Aging naturally is the sign of a life well lived. Trying to reverse age, is trying to relive a life that wasn’t done right the first time.
    Mentally, growing older is freeing. With my absolute abandon and unapologetic arrogance , I sense and honestly quite like the new me emerging-subtle silver streaks, sagginess, striations , self love et all! I feel old enough to recognize my mistakes but young enough to make some more!
    So bring on my birthday baby, let the wisdom grow and show! On my face, on my cake!
    My dear age-Add those candles with each passing year as you wish, but you can never blow out the fire that gets fiercer every minute within me!


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    • Sarita, I love this so much! Your sense of humor is amazing and made me laugh out loud. As I continue to age, I hope to have such a confident outlook about the changes I experience. Just like you said, they are evidence of a life well-lived. Thank you for sharing!

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      • S.K replied 1 weeks ago

        Thanks Emmy foe taking the time to read my story❤️❤️❤️❤️

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  • When your purpose is taken

    Dear Unsealers,

    Life has an interesting way of getting us from one place to another. Often times to get from one place to another it can sometimes require walking through something difficult. That is exactly what I am wanting to share with you.

    I remember being young and realizing I wanted to go into a specific profession. I dedicated my life to achieving this goal. I started going to college and volunteering with this organization. Every decision I made was geared towards working at this organization. It became my life. I began surrounding myself around the people that worked and volunteered with. I slowly began working more and more hours there. This organization became my world. It was all I could see.

    As 2020 hit I was considered an essential worker so I worked through the pandemic. The type of work I did I was constantly on call and would often take my work home with me never really having separation between my personal and work life it was all so entangled. This was the year I finally graduated and was offered a position at this organization. After all those years of hard work I finally was living my dream. This was the last position I was going to have. Well that’s at least what I thought…

    In 2021 I was sexually assaulted by a coworker in my home. I knew I had to come forward because I found out it happened to someone else. Upon coming forward I lost my dream position due to a decision I made out of fear that it would happen again. I was open about what I had done but it did not matter I was removed.

    I had given every ounce of my being to this job. It became my family, my social world, and what I spent doing 7 days a week. In an instance it was gone. This thing that I had spent years working towards I had in my hands and it was ripped away. I did not know what to do and tried to end my life because I felt I no longer had a purpose.

    I ended up needing to move away to try and rebuild. For the longest time I felt so lost, so broken and so alone because not only did I lose my job but I lost my whole social circle. While I was in it I knew it was unhealthy but I also knew that I never would have left on my own.

    Looking back now as painful as it still is I can see how blessed I am that I am out of that environment. I have been presented with so many opportunities that I never would have had.

    My message for you is that if you have just been injured and can no longer play your sport, if you have lost that dream job or are experiencing any major loss… I see you…. It hurts. It may feel like you have nothing to live for but I promise you you are resilient. You matter even without that sport or that job. There is so much more to life. You may not be able to see the light but take it day by day.

    I am truly grateful for where I am now and how I have the privilege everyday to speak into the lives of our youth and to encourage them. Good things can come from the darkest parts of our stories. I now know my purpose was never that job. My purpose is not about my status. My purpose in life is to show kindness and love others and that is something no one can ever take away.

    You are strong, you are brave and you are loved no matter where you are in your life or what you are facing. Joy will come.


    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • My Belated Goodbye

    One Saturday afternoon I got this weird feeling in my gut
    I felt this deafening silence and decided to look you up
    Your obituary appeared before my eyes and informed me that you are now dead
    But not the kind of dead where services I can go to mourn
    No… the kind of dead where you’ve already been from 3 years before
    Only hours after this discovery and seeing the grass on your grave has already grown
    My perception of time was forever blown
    Then seeing a picture of you from our wedding displayed on your tombstone
    I felt like my brain broke a little like a clock losing a part
    So much to process and didn’t know where to start
    In addition to my already throbbing broken heart
    How could this be
    I just don’t understand
    Not one person could tell me you no longer stand
    Even after divorce we still remained friends
    We argued alot but didn’t notice our friendship had an end
    Now you lay here before me and my whole world has changed
    I feel weak and unsteady
    And nothing around me looks the same
    I know it was me who insisted on that first drink
    I had no idea what that would bring
    I guess I didn’t think
    I asked for God’s forgiveness and I feel forgiveness he has given
    I meant no harm. Just wanted a fun moderate way of living
    I didn’t know what was in store
    where most days for you without a drink would be such a bore
    I know in the end you asked for me back because the winnings mattered no more
    But by then I belonged to someone else and your drinking to me just sounded like a chore
    But I go back to Burritos in bed
    You playing frank sinatra before I lay down my head
    You hit those lucky numbers and your bank account grew
    The ups and downs in store for us we didn’t have a clue
    I couldn’t keep up with your excitement for life
    I thought it was enough just being your wife
    I was there before your big bang
    I was there before your bell rang
    I felt like you left me choking on your dust
    I felt so depressed, fat and alone that change for me became a must
    I look up a lot and talk to the sky
    I’m learning how to listen and am getting answers to my why’s
    Your death saved my life
    In heaven I’ll always be your wife
    When I hear frank sinatra and purple rain
    Memories of you dance around in my brain
    My darling husband in heaven it was a heck of a ride
    Thanks for hitting my feet with your tide

    Jennifer Tribolet

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Goodbye to Grandma's House

    Holidays, After school,
    Just because or just for fun,
    Anyday; was always cool.
    Grandma cooking,
    Granddad pranking,
    Cousins always laughing, playing.
    Backyard baseball, candyland,
    Power Rangers, boy life was grand.
    Summer vacation, so much fun!
    Theater, theme parks;
    the ocean, the sun!
    Years go by, now moved in.
    Granddad gets sick, starts to forget.
    We’ve all grown, life continues,
    Now Granddad is gone.
    We passed the tissues.
    Grandma kept cooking and caring for cousins.
    Then spent nearly a year exploring and living her fullest
    Sadly soon her children would go to war over her possessions.
    I sat alone in that house that helped raise me and the other generations.
    Watching the walls and shelves slowly go bare
    Crying, no one to answer my questions.
    Where will I go and who will be with me?
    Who could replace the persons now missing?
    Not a drug. Not a drink.
    Not a man. Not a shrink.
    Now, a decades gone by and the lessons grown clear.
    Genetics skip a generation.
    So their greatness would be saved for those they held most dear!

    Charlotte Young

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • My dear, you are the world.

    Your body—a microcosmic ecosystem,
    an orchestral orgasm where every resonance
    sings in harmony with your heartbeat.

    Your mind—a slippery survivalist,
    a battle between contours,
    the subconscious reflected
    in every perception,
    every perspective.

    This is
    your history to rewrite,
    your legacy to ignite
    in each breath,
    each moment.

    This world as you know it
    exists only while you’re in it.
    So own it.
    Mold it.
    Rock n’ roll it.
    Do unto life and love as you feel fit.
    Say what you wish and see what becomes of it.

    Kaileia Suvannamaccha

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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    • Kailea, I love this! Always keep your best interest in mind and don’t worry what other people think of it. They have themselves to worry about! Mindset is everything. Fake it until you make it (but I think you’ve made it great so far ☺). Keep up the great work ♥

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  • Favorite Shoes

    Life is like your favorite pair of shoes.
    Every step you take is in the right direction,
    Even when you’re hesitant.

    Sometimes, you may get a little worn,
    Maybe scuffed, but you don’t give up.
    Just buy some cleaner
    And brush the battle scars off.

    Then grab some polish to shine them up.
    Good as new, on to new beginnings.

    Why throw away a perfect pair of shoes because they’ve walked a few miles
    And don’t smell as fresh as they used to?
    You could easily keep using them to step over obstacles and remain grateful for what they’ve gotten you through.

    When time-worn, they’re at their best because you’ve lived some life in them.
    The lessons learned through many journeys is what makes them your favorite.

    K.S. Love

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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    • Lovely poem! I like the analogy between life and old pair of shoes; just cause things aren’t perfect doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue to persist through the current situation.

      “The lessons learned through many journeys is what makes them your favorite.” I love that quote, and it’s so true. The memories we make is what makes things special.

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    • Wow, I love this!! Your comparisons are unique, and I love your descriptions throughout the poem. Even though what’s on the outside may look different as we age, we never have to let the inside change if we don’t want to. Let your personality shine through, because I can tell you have a great one. Amazing work ♥

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  • The importance of You.

    It’s all on you.
    Rely on yourself, put time into yourself.
    Invest. Encourage. Support.

    Treasure yourself.
    Be kind, caring and supportive of your your inner circle. Your friends, family.
    But tale care to NOT give them everything.
    Save some peace for yourself.
    Take care of yourself.

    Jue Domoni

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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    • Jue, I agree with every word! Even though we may want to put others before ourselves at times, your relationship with others wouldn’t be the same if you weren’t… you. Taking acre of yourself should be your #1 priority no matter what because when you’re happy and healthy, you can influence others around you to be the same. Great work ♥

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