  • ludlumpenned submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect?Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect? 7 months ago



    She no longer respected herself
    She let others discard her
    She let others opinions matter more to her than her own
    She let the opinions of others chip away at her until she longer recognized herself
    She realized she had given away her respect over & over again
    She masked self-inflicted jokes against herself to deflect her own inner tension building
    She welcomed others to portray her in ways that were unauthentic to who she really was
    She lost her ability to fight for her own self respect

    She knew deep down inside of her something didn’t feel quite right
    She knew that deserved better from others
    She knew she needed to demand for better for herself
    She knew that it was time to strip away all of her insecurities and get to her inner most raw self

    She knew what she had to do, but she was scared
    She was ready, but she made excuses because her fear was intensifying!
    She requested at first that her self respect be a priority
    She was denied, again & again
    She then demanded she be heard
    She again was denied & this time with a threat thrown down at her!
    She felt she had been muted by others & the pain she felt became unexpected

    She felt a burning sensation start to grow within herself
    She could no longer be quiet about her needs & her desires
    She felt her whole world explode in one moment
    She set fire to the accelerant that was her own broken self
    She then put out the fire and knew it was time to rebuild

    She knew she had lessons she had to learned here, or she would be doomed to repeat them
    She decided to learn a new way to conduct herself
    She felt something different in the way she saw everyone and everything around her
    She started to change
    She started to sprout
    She started to grow & grow until her roots became strong
    She then bloomed into a new someone that the old someone would never recognize

    She demanded respect and in fact invited that respect and uninvited anything beneath that
    She only allowed respect for others to come from her
    She only invited respect from others to come to her
    She finally, understood what it meant to be deserving of the upmost respect
    She finally, felt settled into herself

    I am she.

    Sarah Ludlum

    Sarah Ludlum

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • “She started to grow & grow until her roots became strong
      She then bloomed into a new someone that the old someone would never recognize.”

      I love that part. I am so glad that you planted that seed of confidence and grew into the strong and powerful woman you are today. Thank you for sharing! And thank you for being part of The Unsealed! <3 Lauren

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    • Hi there, Sarah. Aiša here. Thank you for sharing the story of your journey to self-respect. Oh, to finally feel settled into one’s self. I can’t imagine the relief you must’ve felt in that moment of realization. You knew what you had to do and it scared you, but you did it anyway! That’s courage! What if I told you “she,” is who I wanna be? 🙂 Thank you for empowering me to have faith in my readiness and conquer excuses <3

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      • You have greatness within you no matter how scary those moments of uncertainty can present. You are She as well and I am excited for you on your journey! I am in awe of your response and I am encouraged by you to keep writing and exploring more in order for others to be able to relate to this human experience we are all experiencing at this time. One step in front of the other is the most important part of any journey.

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