

  • Letter to my inner child

    You are stronger and wiser than you know
    Your thoughts are stalking you
    do not queue any hue that’s not meant for you
    People’s opinions of you are their own.
    You are stronger than you were yesterday.
    continue to forgive yourself for not being able to control the horrific actions of others.
    Self-love is necessary for your healing.
    It is putting you back together whole and true.
    forgive any past actions by acknowledging how they have not served you well.
    You will continue to trust the process and your progress.
    You will not let the fear of being taken advantage of scare you to stillness.
    You will stand up for yourself and tell the truth.
    You will do it with dignity and respect.
    You will be vulnerable even when it makes you uncomfortable.

    Little Big Sister

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Wild Dreams

    what if you could not speak for two years
    you only had your two ears
    now you are listening to your peers
    checking out Instagram, it appears
    they got plenty of souvenirs, but yet volunteered in their careers

    too afraid to be the engineers to forge a whole new frontier
    paid education can teach us to adhere to the profiteer
    head hunters poach us and sell us to the highest-bidding auctioneer

    shit appears severe,
    but you are a pioneer, fuck that career
    this is the year to do something for the world that is truly dear to your heart
    You are too smart not to start,
    failure may come, you might have to restart
    your heart be pure, but fear can outsmart
    telling us that shit is too hard
    don’t be jarred the universe has pulled your card

    your ancestors are standing guard,
    telling you to manifest your wildest dreams, they will safeguard
    jump into the deep end the universe is your lifeguard
    sending you messages in your dreams like postcards

    Crystal Hockless

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    • I enjoyed your poem. You dropped a lot of messages in your moving words. Doing things that are to our heart will feed us as well as our favorite foods.

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    • I love the rhythm and the rhyme scheme! The central idea is powerful and i really resonate with it. You opened and ended with motifs of communication. Well done!

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  • Peace

    Fendi and Gucci are idolized
    remaining sane is ostracized
    when you stand up against the man, you will be demoralized
    my pain runs deep like it’s crystallized
    I can’t even front I became hypnotized
    I can’t run forever, shit, I’ve already been traumatized
    I’m in therapy, like bankruptcy to reorganize
    my life changed when I prioritized the beautiful sunrise
    it is in this time I came to analyze, and visualize my next sacrifice
    I plan to live forever in this paradise

    Crystal Hockless

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    • I really love the message behind your poem. You’re so right; we idolize things that lack importance and judge each other for the things that should matter, like standing up for what’s right. It’s beautiful to see that you’ve prioritized the sunrise and you’re starting to see life from beyond the lens we’re given 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

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    • I love this piece. Each line so thoughtful and so powerful. “my life changed when I prioritized the beautiful sunrise.” This sentiment is so powerful and such good advice for all people trying to find peace in their lives or even peace in the moment. I also thought this line was very creative:
      “I’m in therapy, like bankruptcy to reorganize” It r…read more

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