  • lourdes submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months ago

    My tampered temple

    You my temple, have been tampered with. However, you’re still standing. You’re still mine. You have been abused in all sorts of ways, yet you stand strong, and this is the reason I stand strong. Physically, emotionally, mentally, beside others, besides myself. Over and over, time and time again. You still heal and shelter me from this life I have been blessed with. You have gifted me with the strength I face this harsh world with. My armor, my shell.
    You have gone from a structure I struggled to build with weight to a structure I try to remodel by losing weight all these years later.
    I have carried children well past the mark of a delivery date, only to have them cut from me because they were too comfortable to leave naturally. You have given me the greatest gifts I have ever been bestowed with. My boys. Now you have blessed me with another child, a blessing only God can have granted us with when he implanted this child in you.
    There are days I feel old and weak, too old to partake in this journey once more. You prove me wrong and get me though another day.
    You heal quickly with no help from the medical professionals. That impresses me daily. The amount of pain you have encountered cannot be imagined or described. If I didn’t experience it, I wouldn’t believe it myself. I trust you now more than ever. Witnessing and mentally being apart of the recovery has led me to believe that the only person that has the power to destroy you is me. I will be better. Kinder. Gentle from now on.
    I apologize for my mistakes. Please forgive me for my sins against you. I take full accountability for what you have endured and I now find myself having the need to not only forgive others, but most importantly, I must forgive myself first.
    I want nothing more than to stop surviving and to start living the life you have carried me through. You have been my protector all these years and now it’s my turn to protect you.

    Sincerely, Your mind and soul

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    • Lourdes, Congratulations on being pregnant with your third baby! That’s amazing and your body deserves so much praise. It’s strong, resilient and miraculous. And I am glad you see that as well. Keep embracing yourself and your body and all the power that comes along with both. You’re amazing. Thank you for sharing your story, and congrats again! <3 Lauren

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