
lindseydawn2442's Letters

Lindsey Dawn

Happy Solar Return, Lauren!

Dear Lauren,
Happy Solar Return! May this new year bring you more life, more love, more joy and more happiness! You’re a real life super heroine spreading love and encouragement for writers to keep their dreams alive.
I use the words Solar Return instead of birthday for two reasons:
1. Technically your mother birthed you. So please tell her H…read more

Respect Me.

I’d like for you to put some respect on my name.
I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced, but i guess you saw how I wear my pain.
How dare you fix your lips in an attempt to drag me through the dirt?
How do you judge someone for the past or the resilience it took to even share their hurt?
You must be packed in bubble wrap to throw stones…read more

Voting ends on September 1, 2024 12:00pm

For Future Reference

Dear Lindsey,
Life started off rough! And it will get a lot harder if you don’t follow this list. (You know how much we love lists!)
1. Remain unapologetic with who you are and what you like! (This is critical: many people will try to tell you what’s best for you, meanwhile, most of them cannot even tell you who they are.)
2. Your body is not the…

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Lindsey Dawn

For Future Reference

Dear Lindsey,
Life started off rough! And it will get a lot harder if you don’t follow this list. (You know how much we love lists!)
1. Remain unapologetic with who you are and what you like! (This is critical: many people will try to tell you what’s best for you, meanwhile, most of them cannot even tell you who they are.)
2. Your body is not the…read more

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