  • lindseydawn2442 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect?Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect? 7 months ago

    Respect Me.

    I’d like for you to put some respect on my name.
    I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced, but i guess you saw how I wear my pain.
    How dare you fix your lips in an attempt to drag me through the dirt?
    How do you judge someone for the past or the resilience it took to even share their hurt?
    You must be packed in bubble wrap to throw stones in a glass house,
    And you must have all the answers if you chose to let someone’s insecurities come oozing out your mouth.
    See it’s easy to judge when you’ve never done anything except sweep your emotions under the rug.
    I don’t know too many people who aren’t traumatized by drugs,
    Bad relationships, assaults, lack of hugs,
    Deaths, illness, hell just because.
    Life hands out ass whoopin’s daily.
    We have no choice but to persevere,
    But some of the things we experience almost kept us all from gathering here.
    They called us strong when we didn’t feel like it.
    We hid our tears and all the times we were too afraid to ask for help.
    Hell, there were many days of looking in the mirror without recognizing ourselves,
    So give yourself grace.
    You survived something the person next to you couldn’t imagine having to go through.
    And fuck what the critics say because they don’t slightly even know you.
    No one walking this Earth has the right to judge another on their past or pain,
    So next time let them know to put some respect on both our names.

    Lindsey Dawn

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • Hey Lindsey!! Omg I love this and you are absolutely right! Every one deserves respect and I love your pictures.

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    • Okay poet!!! Anyone willing to let in vulnerability and share any part of their struggle most definitely deserves respect because life is HARD. The last thing we need is to be unsupported by each other and you made that message loud and clear. I absolutely love this piece, Lindsey!

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      • Thank you, Ala! I wrote this piece for a Gala that took place in my city. The Gala honored twelve women who overcame different things like domestic violence, cancer, sexual assaults, and drug addiction. If you would like to learn more about them please check out their Instagram: @rediscover_yu

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    • Yes yes yes!! The ending is so fire!! I love this: No one walking this Earth has the right to judge another on their past or pain,
      So next time let them know to put some respect on both our names.

      You are so badass and so strong and have such a beautiful heart. I love this piece. <3 Lauren

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