  • lilliemoon submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 11 months, 3 weeks ago

    Requiem For A Digital World

    Requiem For A Digital World

    Wasted my life away
    “so I’ve got to stay awake”
    I tell myself
    make up for lost time
    through the night

    all I did was shop online
    all I did was think about what I want

    I should appreciate what I’ve got;
    educate and edify
    my Inner Childs
    dreams & desires

    but I knew about
    the Vaporwave Aesthetic
    and I couldn’t recall
    the Artist
    who sculpted

    a popular motif in today’s age
    10 year old me would be so ashamed…

    Think I knew more at that age

    than in my 20s.

    All I did was waste away


    “can’t scrapbook
    this moment
    it’d just be
    a sad

    When did it come to this?
    Do I have a phone
    for a face?
    And a smile
    for a frown?

    They said television & video games
    would rot our brains
    but they fueled my imagination
    I didn’t have to please anyone
    I could just


    in my world

    but these days
    you can lose

    _ your = (soul)




    and Virtual Reality
    is as real as the ones & zeros
    making up my brain waves

    why do we let these screens
    _control us?
    as if we’re allowing
    _a microchip
    in our minds_?

    … nothing is

    yet nothing is…

    It’s like we let Pangea
    become a circuit board
    of little white lies
    we call

    I miss when
    going online
    wasn’t about getting a reaction
    it was just for
    Share your imagination
    to make them
    laugh & think

    and that was never seen as
    a waste of our energy…

    I’m so tired of this generation
    being self-obsessed
    with technology-

    if we don’t step outside
    our house
    our selves
    we devise
    such little dreams

    we have little imagination
    without the blades of grass
    to cut our feet

    everyone is nostalgic
    for a time
    that doesn’t exist
    still, they take
    to make it
    a reality

    ashamed to say
    I’ve lived
    the way I wish others

    They don’t understand
    how social media
    can be
    physically isolating;

    mentally, we go mad
    without a hand in our hands
    miles across wires like
    telephone poles & seas

    world’s away
    on the same page
    same tab
    same window

    but I can’t step outside
    my door _closed_
    glued to the screen
    always looking down
    never up
    where the sun can blind me
    so bright!
    I start seeing for the first time
    Start believing


    I feel alone
    someone’s eyes
    to look into;
    Mind, Heart, and Soul
    the gates
    to gaze

    Face the phone.
    Lose control.

    Lose emotion.
    Sense of self.

    “I’m so inspired!” I say
    not a smile
    on my face

    _stay glued to the screen
    until you

    numb from comparisons
    train yourself
    like a sleeper agent
    and try to hide
    …can’t feel a thing
    from imperfections immortalized
    like a magnifying glass
    so they erase them
    cut + paste
    until they cease to exist;

    until everyone is perfect.

    And so I watch
    glued to the screen
    force myself to laugh
    at what I see on TV
    wonder how to have fun again
    when YouTube can’t teach me
    wonder how to talk again
    when Google raised me


    So I go on online
    a sanctuary with
    bars …

    Still loading…

    So I don’t have a thought…

    *click refresh*

    I don’t have a memory
    to remember

    I wonder if I never left
    The Internet
    if it would be


    _help_me = “tell me how to feel”


    Teach me
    things I couldn’t learn
    from The Birds
    from The Trees
    and other Tangible
    Souls & Things

    I would be
    instead of
    A l i v e.

    I wonder if I’m
    since I don’t know
    the last time

    I examined the shape
    of someone’s hands
    how they fit perfectly in mine
    or the look in their smile eyes
    when they see my face again
    for the first time.

    Hugs are a natural
    In 20 seconds or less
    you’ll feel the weight lifted
    like you’re on a merry-go-round
    playground equipment
    like you’re a kid again

    someone’s arms around you
    as you type:
    “I miss you.”

    sending Ghost Hug Gifs
    in place of the real thing

    I miss your eyes
    that I never looked into
    and I hope you miss mine…
    though you probably can’t recall
    the color that resides

    an intimate
    interpersonal experience
    so rare
    it’s surreal

    no middle schooler
    or high schooler
    could keep a straight face
    a trust exercise
    but they felt
    awkward and out of place
    a state of normalcy
    misplaced from today’s society

    lost in the translations
    of trying to translate the world
    around us
    to make sense
    to make it easier
    until we become
    idle & depressed…

    How did it come to this?
    even the adults can’t talk
    to each other
    for long enough
    to see
    every fleck
    of color
    in a stare
    like a staring contest with
    a Firework or Flare
    like constellations found
    in conversations had
    like gazing into the Soul
    of the Universe.

    I wish I could pretend
    it’s the turn of the century

    Maybe I should
    ~ sign off ~
    before I become
    just another
    punctuation in a piece
    of code…




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    E R R O R


    <3~*Lillie Moon*~<3

    Voting is closed

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    • Wow! A powerful yet very candid piece! “They don’t understand
      how social media can be physically isolating;” Very very true. Often times we get so lost in the hooplah of social media that we forget to live we forget to create our own tangible memories. Thank you for this keep soaring!

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      • I am so glad you liked it! I poured my heart and soul into this poem! I was really nervous about sharing it because you rarely hear about social media, and the internet in general, from this perspective. I’m so happy you were able to take something away from it and carry it with you. I will keep soaring as best I can, and thank you again. It means the world to me.<3

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        • Never be nervous about sharing your craft. Social media has its amazing benefits like the creation and widespread of this Unsealed family, however it is never to be used to take away from the essence of one self and you captured that so well in your piece. 🙂

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          • Thank you so much Gie Santana. I really appreciate you taking the time to read it and tell us your thoughts in the comments. I’m new here but I’m excited to make some new friends, read some interesting stories and poems, and do one of my favorite things; have conversations with strangers.<3 It's really easy to think that my ideas are too wild for other people to connect with. I wouldn't share my writing anywhere unless I had to for school or a friend I knew was going through something I felt I related to. It's a big step for me to share my writing online! The deadline also motivated me to make it awesome in just a few days, where as I have poems I've worked on for years that never feel finished or good enough. Very excited to share more in the future and feel a little more confident in sharing my work. Again, thank you so much for your words, it helps me a lot. I hope you're doing well^_^

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    • Social media was created so innocently but turned dark so fast. It’s a trap. A trap of wanting to be someone else. Feeling bad for who we are since not all of us are picture perfect. Us feeling unaccomplished and an unjust feeling of failure. Thank you for sharing.

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      • I agree. Social media can make you feel so much worse or if you are not doing enough in your life. I often take social media breaks they are refreshing for Me and a good way to stay grounded.

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        • Agreed! I think people are just starting to take the impact of social media seriously, realizing that we all need a time to unplug and recharge. People often don’t want to be alone with their thoughts, but sometimes that’s what we need to learn about who we are, where we’re from, and where we want to go. But at the same time, makeup artists on Instagram, fashion on Pinterest, and people that I can only talk to through the internet (or by letter) are all great, inspiring things! We just got to keep ourselves in check and remember that too much of a good thing can still be too much and turn bad. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I’m so glad you enjoyed my poem. <3

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      • I think a lot of those feelings of comparison and low self-esteem come from people just like us feeling so insecure about themselves that they try to perfect their skin, bodies, words, life ect. And it just got oversaturated in content to the point where it became “normal” to fake it online and in turn make others feel bad about themselves. I even find myself retyping messages to good friends, and sometimes I just need to treat it like as if we were in person instead. It helps me to think that if I was with someone in person, I couldn’t Ctrl alt delete sentences to word them more sophisticatedly. I couldn’t blur my skin or have time to think of the right thing to say. When you’re with someone irl, you just have fun and be in the moment. I’ve been trying to treat talking to my friends online like that, and it feels like a good way to stay present while still on my phone. I also think social media influencers need to be more real and less fake, and that would help all of us. If I were an influencer, which I have considered, I would show my skin unfiltered and show even the lows so that other people can see there is no perfect life. We all move at our own pace and have our own journeys. Not a single one of us is living the same exact life or even has the same exact mind! It’s a beautiful thing. <3 I'm kinda just ranting now but I hope some of what I said resonates or helps you. I'm just babbling as if we were two people meeting in person, trying to remember not everything has to be "perfect". (: These are ways in which I believe we can change the world and make the internet a brighter place. I hope you're having a wonderful month^_^

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    • This is INCREDIBLE. It is so creative and so real. I think you are so right in terms of how screen time impacts our brains, and how isolating it can make people feel. And I think you did an amazing job of painting the picture of how your generation, which was “raised by Google” is specifically impacted. I really love this. So unique and creative. Thank you for sharing! <3 Lauren

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