  • Lexi Mae Edwards shared a letter in the Group logo of Health, Wellness and Chronic ConditionsHealth, Wellness and Chronic Conditions group 1 months ago

    Who Am I?

    I want to try this again
    The more I learn about who I am becoming
    Making this a part of my routine
    As I continue going day by day
    To figure out the best version of myself
    So let’s begin
    Who am I?
    I carry a big heart
    One that can often be misused from those that surround me.
    I do not put that shield on it.
    I trust with the plan God already has made for me—
    I am just living that piece of it.
    I have goals
    All which one day I will succeed.
    I am still so young
    There’s a whole life ahead.
    Yes I will get things wrong
    It may not look like I know what I am doing
    That is okay though
    It is just going to build me.
    I trust myself
    I see my beauty within
    Even if it’s not on a day to day.
    I know who I can and want to be
    So for right now I am just loving me.
    I am grateful for the life that I carry
    And who I am becoming.
    Each day this is making me who I am
    And I cannot be more proud of that.

    Lexi Mae

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