

  • Hopeful World

    Hopeful World

    A clean ocean for the earth, ocean life no longer in danger,
    A world where violence cease, when people let go of hate and anger.

    Love and respect for humans, and animals as one,
    A world with love and laughter, where world peace has now begun.

    A world where our children have the chance to learn and grow,
    Keeping them away from evil, that world they need not know.

    A world where it doesn’t matter of your gender or your race,
    A world where everyone is equal, calling all into a loving embrace.

    A world without hate is starting to begin,
    No walking around on eggshells because of the color of my skin.

    A world without hunger, meals go to everyone in need,
    Teachers and parents working together, teaching our children to read.

    A world full of bliss, where peace and love will soar,
    A world that we can be proud of, a world that we can adore.

    LaKrisha Stanton-Brandon

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    • Oh how lovely would our world be if all of this would just be. Your poem speaks of world peace and love and compassion. Thank you so much for sharing.

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      • Thank you for your kind words and feedback. My words are the source of hope to spread love into the world. Hopeful that one day we can rid our world of violence and hate.

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    • LaKrisha! This is sooo good. Every verse is so powerful, and the whole piece flows so eloquently. Each and every message is so real, people, equality, literacy, violence and love are all such important topics. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a part of The Unsealed community. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so much for your kind words. It warms my heart that you enjoyed my words and share the same hope of love and kindness spreading throughout the world. Your post meant the world to me, thank you.

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