  • ladygreene47 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    Heterosexual Life-Partner

    When I think of the things in my life that
    I am grateful for there is so much
    But one of the things that comes to mind
    Is a person

    When I think of what a best friend she is what comes to mind

    People hurt you
    They disappoint you
    Make you disbelieve

    When the truth is right in front of you
    You have to see it for what it truly is

    And that is gratefulness because to understand the importance of
    a good person, good friend

    Can be once in a lifetime

    To find a soul mate in a friend
    Is special

    To create a bond of trust
    To share honestly
    Even when I don’t like it
    But it always ended up needing it

    A pair of misfits
    A lifetime of laughter


    The good and bad and everything in-between


    Weirdly unique

    No matter what always there

    I love person and I will forever be thankful
    To call my friend

    jazmine greene

    Voting is closed

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    • Hi there, Jazmine. Aiša here. Thank you for sharing about this special bond that very few of us experience.

      “To find a soulmate in a friend
      Is special” indeed.

      Just today, the immense gratitude I have for mine snuck up on me 🙂

      Because it’s true, that
      “People hurt you
      They disappoint you
      Make you disbelieve”

      But the opening this leaves for revivals of faith—it’s nothing short of magic <3

      Happy New Year, Jazmine!

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    • Aww Jazmine, how lucky you are to have such a love in your life, and also lucky to have the ability to recognize. Protect that love thoughtfully and with all your might, for you are one of the lucky ones. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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