  • jenawrites submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

    2023: New year, Confident me

    As I stroll into 2023
    I have high hopes and a positive view
    I think of that phrase: “New year, new me”
    And if I stay focused, that can be true

    It’s not that I want to change who I am
    I am actually starting to love myself
    It’s that I finally see my potential, and damn…
    I deserve a life full of good health and wealth

    I get to decide what I consume
    Both physically and mentally
    And if I eliminate the doom and gloom
    The love and light are what I’ll see

    This year I will put effort into being present
    I will practice the art of letting go
    This year, there is no room for resentment
    I do what pleases me, and I don’t feel guilty saying “no”

    As the years go on, I always remain grateful
    The hard times and life lessons help me grow
    As I get older, I become more graceful
    I stand in my confidence as I go with the flow

    I am happily floating into 2023
    I have faith that all is unfolding as it should
    This year I deserve to focus on me
    And do everything that happy, healthy me would.


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    • Jena! Everything about you is pure love and goodness! And I think you are starting to realize that! Let go of all that negativity of the past and bathe in all that makes you so wonderful. Keep loving you and leaning into the happiest and healthiest version of you. Sending so much love your way. Thank you for sharing this poem and thank you for being a part of our community. xoxo <3 Lauren

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      • It’s been a long journey, but I am finally feeling so much more free. Of course I still have bad days and emotions like the rest of the humans in the world, but I don’t dwell on them and I give myself much more grace. I appreciate you reading the poem and your encouraging words! And I am so grateful for this community!

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        • I am grateful for you. You are such a beautiful human. I have told you this before, but your energy is pure love and kindness. It’s just who you are. You deserve all the joy and happiness in the world. Have a great weekend. <3 Lauren

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    • Jena your year is filled with sunshine and I know you’ve got this handled. You have so much potential and such a solid mind that you will be able to reach your goals for this year. Once your let go of all the worries from the past or let go and focus like you said what you consume mentally and physically you’ll be able to knock those goals down.

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      • Aww thank you so much, Kayjah! I appreciate you taking the time to read my poem. I am excited to enjoy the year and work on my relationship with myself. I read kind words like yours and it reminds me that I need to say kind things to myself more often. I find myself in self-doubt often, but I am learning more about myself and slowly breaking through this imposter syndrome! I appreciate your support and am sending you so much love! I’m sure 2023 will be so good to you!

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    • Jena this piece rocks!!! I think this year will be fabulous for you!! You give Me great Xena Warrior Princess vibes and I totally hope you enjoy to the fullest.
      Also… No. Is a complete sentence and I plan to use it often this year as well lol.
      Wishing you well.

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