

  • The Year of Present Moments

    Often times when we think of a new year resolution or new year goals for the upcoming year we usually have a big goal we want to accomplish like getting a new job, a new house, to meet a partner if we are single, have a child, buy a new car, but what if we were to change our mindset and also see smaller goals just as big as the big ones.

    This upcoming year I am dedicating myself to look forward to the smaller things like finding peace, doing the things that make your heart feel whole like sharing a laugh with loved ones, taking a walk outside and breathing the fresh air, or maybe even making time for a hobby that you neglected due to being so busy with work and your personal life.

    My ultimate goal for next year is to be PRESENT. Life is often so fast-paced that sometimes we may forget to be present in the moment and take every moment in. I want to be present with everything that I do. Even the simplest smallest things like cooking a meal and sharing a meal with friends or family or even by yourself. Taking in that specific moment that you can never get back in time and have the blessing to do so is something I want to take in and be present with. I want to be able to be present and really taking everything in life in. A goal of mine is to be present with myself. Taking the time to do things that make me feel a spark, like writing a poem, reading a book, meditating with music that makes the soul feel good.

    Although I want to continue to blossom in my career as a Marketing Specialist and want my business to blossom, most of all I want to continue to grow into the person that I am meant to be and continue to find my purpose. The person that I am right now in this moment, writing this letter about what I am most excited about for the next year, will be a different person reading this the same time next year. Which is why I am so focused on being present every day. I am excited to see the Woman that I am going to become next year, the peace I will continue to find in myself, my loved ones, and places. The laughs I will be able to share with loved ones. The meals I will be able to eat. The new people I am going to meet. I am most excited to see my life change transform and prosper. I am so excited to see how much my relationship with God is going to flourish. Every year there is a new version of yourself, you are never the same person each year, you go through joy and pain, different transformations that make you a wiser person.

    Next year I dedicate time for myself to find a spark in me that I never knew I had, to move and flow through life with good intentions, better environments, intentional friendships, intellectual individuals, creative people, broken people, joyful people. Take every negative and turn it into a positive and have more faith over fear.

    This upcoming year I am dedicating myself to nourish who I am, love who I am, and be present and sit with myself and appreciate everything that I have and never take a second for granted. Perhaps when you are reading this, it may seem like a person letter to myself, maybe it seems to fit more to my future self then what I am most excited about, but this year was a year of self-realization that happened at the speed of light. Next year I am most excited to live in the PRESENT moment every day.

    Cheers to a year of living in the present moments!!

    Jaselynn Villalpando

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    • Your piece is truly exceptional, thank you for sharing it!

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    • Jaselynn, this is so beautiful. I love the idea of being present. That is not an easy thing to do but it is so meaningful and so powerful. It sounds like you are a self-aware and thoughtful person, and your purpose will reveal itself. I’m excited for what’s to come for you and happy you have the type of mindset that will allow you to enjoy the…read more

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