  • itsedible submitted a contest entry to Group logo of How are you changing the world?How are you changing the world? 12 months ago


    Their little toes massaged with coco butter
    Its past bedtime, but I know it’s worth it
    To give them what I so desperately wanted
    Caring for them, is caring for me
    At age five and again at three

    We’re tired
    Exhausted actually
    The beach disappeared, we stayed so long

    What was your favorite part of your day, I ask
    Now, they say
    A gentle reminder for me
    To just be

    Like waves crashing and beginning
    Over and over again
    Moments passing

    No push
    No pull
    Just here with them

    Every moment, they’re learning
    My words enter their ears and remain in their bodies
    My hands, how they care for them

    I am their guide
    They are their captain
    I keep them safe
    They choose their direction

    My ancient eyes
    My family unknowingly gave me to judge
    Remarkably replaced, with practice

    My new eyes
    To see
    To heal
    To be, me.

    Their big, little blue eyes softly close
    As I lather coco butter on my feet

    Respecting them, is respecting me
    Filling my cup
    To quinch our thirst
    To be held
    To be heard
    To know, we are capable
    We are good inside.

    Mel Taul

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends July 31, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww Mel, This is beautiful. Your children are lucky to have a mother with a sweet and soft heart. I have heard from others, that giving your children the love that you needed as a child can be incredibly healing. Thank you for sharing. Love changes the world and inspires others to do the same. Xo Lauren.

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    • Mel this was beautiful. You can’t pour from an empty cup and I am so glad you stop , take in peace and refill!! This picture is pretty cool and who doesn’t love the beach is such a relaxing state of peace. The beach brings about a change in us all. Thank you for sharing. Wishing you well 🙂

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