

  • 2024

    Be here now. In the breath of the wind. In the rainbows of the sunset. In the expressions walking across stranger’s faces.

    Be here fully. In the complexities of thought. In the vastness of space. In the smells from the kitchen.

    Be here lovingly. In the softness of forgiveness. In the gentleness of joy. A hug, not a bow.

    Time running out is such a gift; and this gift is a privilege to be alive for.

    Dark nights of the soul can be so convincing. Let this soften me.

    Let this remind me-

    Hope paints strokes of colors on the horizon
    When the rest of the world is dark

    All for us
    Inexplicable beauty
    The fade-
    so subtle
    While the deep red keeps hanging on
    The higher we rise, the longer the colors last

    An ode to keep chasing sunsets
    To go through life with eyes wide open
    Welcoming light and chasing great heights
    For this day…
    Is a reminder of hope
    Even the darkest depths of the sky

    Let me live life deeply.

    Hanna Gootee

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    • Hanna This poem is as beautiful as the sunset in your picture. This line is incredible:

      “Hope paints strokes of colors on the horizon
      When the rest of the world is dark”

      It is so true. This piece gives off a feeling of serenity and inspiration at the same time. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

      Write me back 

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    • I love your poem 2024.

      Write me back 

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