

  • madisongrace428 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

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    Dear Stranger

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  • We Found Her, Thanks to You

    “Can We Find Her?”

    This is the tale of kind strangers whom I will never, ever forget. Writing a grateful, heartfelt letter to them will be my cherished pleasure. But first, the backstory:

    Our dear friends asked us to babysit their dog, Binky, (name changed) a docile mixed breed, medium-sized sweetie pie. We would have her for a week. We were overjoyed. Our family loved dogs, but we were never home, so we could never have our own. Keeping that cuddly, calm soul for a week–what a treat it would be…until it wasn’t, on the last day.

    Our eleven-year-old youngest daughter had taken Binky around the neighborhood. About a half hour later, we looked out our kitchen window to see our tween standing on the driveway, holding Binky’s empty-collared leash and sobbing. What?! Oh Lordy. Uh-Oh. YIKES! We came running out to ask which direction Binky had gone, and immediately loaded into the car. My husband began to drive before we even closed the doors.

    This November day was chilly. I remember parking the car and wandering around woodsy areas, praying. The wind was bone-chilling, and my hands were freezing. I had even enlisted my mom and sister, who lived down the street, to look in their adjacent woods, and they gladly helped, armed with doggie treats and toys, just in case we would get so lucky.

    Obviously, the stakes were high. My husband and I wondered if our long-term friendship could withstand us losing their beloved dog! It was catastrophic to think about. To add to this devastating event, their son struggled with bi-polar, and Binky was his constant solace during the awful patches of his mental illness.

    We drove every street within a five mile radius. We also called for her, on foot. A dad and his daughter came upon us and learned of our plight. I remember being particularly touched that our problem became important to them, and they quickly went to a nearby grocery store for dog food to carry around, in hopes of luring Binky out of her hiding place. These strangers must’ve helped us for over two hours. I never even learned their names.

    Here we were in the car, hoping for a miracle. Our daughter had red-rimmed eyes. I said to my husband, “How on Earth can we ever fix this?” I envisioned how it would feel to lose this decades-long friendship. I knew it would be a scar for life. Cruising along the main drag in that town, hollering, “Binky!” out the windows, I remember gazing at the other people walking along. I wanted to be someone, anyone else. I wanted my soul to sneak out of my body and enter one of theirs, so I would not have this devastating problem.

    It was getting late, and our friends were to return from their vacation in an hour or so. I begged God to fix this. Our youngster and I held hands in the back seat, “Lord, PLEASE HELP! Now!”

    My better half suggested, grabbing his cellphone at a red light, “Why don’t we call the local police non-emergency number, and maybe a cop driving along his beat could also be looking for Binky, if he is having a slow day?” Excellent idea, indeed.

    A half hour later, we got the call. That sweet, blond/brown doggie was out in a yard, two miles away, playing with some kids. It just so happened that she was right out front where the policeman could see her!

    This lovely man brought our precious, borrowed furball to the station where we could pick her up. She was exhausted and quite hungry from her adventure, collapsing on the floor of the car and snoozing. In all of my life, I have never been so relieved. Twenty minutes later Binky’s parents came to get her. Saved by the bell. Lord, have mercy. We greeted them at the door, so relieved we were almost comatose.

    Today Binky is healthy, and the relationship is intact. Praise God.

    Dear Dad, Daughter and Policeman,

    Thirteen years later, after one of the most traumatic episodes in my life, I am beyond grateful to all of you. You three could give packed seminars on “How to Be the Best Stranger”!

    Dad and Daughter, you probably had no idea that your relaxing Saturday stroll would end up becoming a frantic search and rescue operation! You did not even know us, but you spent your rare time off assisting us to find our friends’ lost dog. You generously took on our problem as your own. You two remain VIPs in our lives, and you don’t even know it. How far-reaching was your service that day. We continue to enjoy a non-strained friendship with two special people who placed their trust in us, to carefully watch over their pet.

    You two have inspired me for life. We are committed to paying it forward. We will always drop everything to help anyone who loses their special canine family member.

    Policeman, my chocolate chip cookies for you could never thank you adequately for what you did for us that fateful day. To take your time during a busy shift watching over our town, and thoroughly search for an escaped fur-baby, is a colossal gift. You embody “Protect and Serve”, and are a role model to all Police Academy hopefuls who come behind you. Your character and caring are true blue.

    To all of you, I will forever carry your kindness and generosity of spirit with me. God Bless You.
    With Tremendous Gratitude,
    Theresa Siller

    Theresa Siller

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    • Aww Theresa, I would be in a complete panic as well. When I was 11 my parents told me I could walk our big strong black lab. As soon as she realized she was stronger than me, she took off. I held on as best I could but she literally left me on the floor and went for a swim in a nearby lake only to come back a few hours later. I am so glad in such…read more

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  • jaclynisis submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months, 1 weeks ago

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    A Fragile Smile

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  • Angel In My Darkness

    I don’t know if you will remember me, but I wanted to let you know, I will never forget you. I was the young mother trying so desperately to survive. Hands holding on to my two little boys, and a car seat at my feet, and had my little ones so closely by my side as I checked into the hotel.
    I was exhausted and I was terrified. I think you saw my blacked eye through the makeup that I tried so hard to hide from the world. I only had cash, as he was closely watching our bank account.
    The woman working the front desk looked down on me and rolled her eyes when I tried to explain that I didn’t have a credit card or debit card for personal reasons, but I promised I was not going to throw any destructive party’s with my babies in tow. The truth is, I didn’t know who I could trust. I just wanted to rest. I wanted to feel secure, and to hold my babies tightly at night instead of standing watch for the headlights to pull into the driveway bringing home a drunken monster. Anyways, enough of that. You stood up from your chair, and you approached the impatient lady with your credit card. You sternly told her to “put a week on your tab” My jaw must have hit the floor because you put your hand on my shoulder ever so gently, and ushered me aside to where your beautiful wife and daughter were sitting. She picked up the car seat and walked with me to the elevator. It was unreal. The silence. You handed me my room card, and softly asked me if someone I loved had left those marks on my body. Through tears, I could only nod my head. They wouldn’t stop coming down. Your beautiful wife held me in her arms. She told me to “let it all out” that I was safe from harm. You explained to me that you held a high position in the local church, and that you and your family were staying at the hotel because your home had flooded. You placed something in my hand, and we parted ways. The next morning, there was a bag of groceries at my door. There was clothes for my kids, and a few items that I needed for myself. The morning after that, a beautiful basket of fruit with a note that said- you are so loved. The morning after that, donuts for us. Each morning, a new blessing was left at my door. My week ran out, and I had to go. I never saw you, or your beautiful wife. I didn’t even know which room was yours. When I checked out, there was no information on the sheet for billing and privacy purposes, they had to cover it with something before I received my copy. I never got to say thank you. For the time I had in that hotel was the most beautiful and relaxing of times. I was able to find clarity. I was able to think about my future for the very first time since the local shelter told me they only had room for myself and one child- I thank you kindly and Sir. With all of my heart. You, and your beautiful wife. For being my Angel. In my darkest time.
    Because of you, I am safe. I am strong. You showed me that there was kindness. Many years later, I think of you, I think of her as I do my very best to create special gift bags for the victims and their children as they enter into what is the scariest of times. Thank you again, for your beautiful light. Grateful beyond words,
    – Michelle

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    • Michelle, this story was profound. The acts of kindness shared here are remarkable. I thought it was going to end at the register, but you kept receiving daily gifts of love and appreciation. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that some people can be so KIND when others are so selfish. I am grateful for your stranger too, for it reminded me that when…read more

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    • Wow! WoW! and Wow! First things first, I am so incredibly sorry for the abuse you endured. But what a beautiful encounter with such kind and wonderful people. I am sure they would be so happy if they knew that you decided to pay their blessing forward by giving blessings to so many others. It is poetic when kindness has this type of ripple effect.…read more

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  • lizardthewizard777 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months, 3 weeks ago

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    I Fundraise for Kids

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  • To The Stranger At Target Who Saw Me

    Dear stranger,

    To the kind lady at Target who bent down to tie my shoe because you understood too, how hard Motherhood is. You saw me balancing a baby on one hip, all while trying to checkout and make sure my autistic two year old didn’t take off in the opposite direction ( as he so often does.)

    You didn’t watch me struggle and pass me by, you didn’t ask if I needed help, you just gave it. Humbling yourself enough in front of all those people to reach down and tie my shoe. What’s ironic though, is that it humbled me. It sent me to the car in tears reminded that there are kind and authentic and genuine people in this world still.

    What you saw was an exhausted and struggling Mother trying her best.
    But what you didn’t see was how alone and isolated I feel most days. You didn’t see how forgotten about I so often feel in this journey of Motherhood. You couldn’t see that I was healing from childhood trauma and picking up the pieces of a little girl that never had an example of what a nurturing, protective and kind Mother looks like; and yet is trying desperately to be one herself.

    You didn’t see any of those things, and yet you didn’t have to. When you bent down to tie my shoe you saw ME. You reached the part of me that has felt so dang invisible, misunderstood and forgotten about. In that small moment you SAW me, you understood and you just knew that was what I needed.

    Maybe it was because you yourself were a mother and you had been there yourself before, or maybe you heard the still, small voice from God Himself whisper in your heart. Who knows, but in that moment, on the cold Target floors, under the fluorescent lights and many confused,judgmental stares, You did way more than tie my shoe, you validated me as a person, as a woman, as a mother. You made me feel seen and worth noticing and that my efforts aren’t in vain. You saw the struggle and weren’t another face in the crowd to just walk by.

    So if you ever read this, please know you did so much more than tie my shoe that day.

    Thank you.

    Mikaela Patterson

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    • 🥹 Woah. How I can relate. Your words describe such a beautiful interaction. They bring a silent heartwarming acknowledgement among all young mothers just trying to raise their beautiful babies the best way that they know how. Thank you for this letter ❤️

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    • Mikaela, This line is so powerful. “You couldn’t see that I was healing from childhood trauma and picking up the pieces of a little girl that never had an example of what a nurturing, protective and kind Mother looks like; and yet is trying desperately to be one herself.”

      I am sure you are doing an incredible job as a mother, and your kids are s…read more

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  • daniellas-empress submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 12 months ago

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    Mi Amor

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  • Part of My Story

    Dear Stranger,

    While I never knew your name, I always felt I knew you. I always felt like there was something you had to teach me. I think of our encounters fondly and often. You see when I moved into my apartment I wanted a sense of community. I wanted to know my neighbors, in typical New York fashion they didn’t seem to want to know me. That is until I ran into you.

    I would see you in the courtyard and quickly walk past, having been jaded and used to this as a routine with other passing by neighbors. Yet you were different. You would smile and I would smile back.

    I would often see you in the early morning when I was leaving for work, it was always just us in the courtyard. I had begun to think you were a figment of my imagination, a spirit of some sort that only I could see. Sometimes my imagination goes a little wild. I pictured that you were someone here to guide me, teach me, tell me something. Maybe you had lived in the apartment and tended to this garden years before and now in your afterlife continue to do so. Or was this farmland at some point where you raised horses and chickens? That was until I saw you conversing with another neighbor of ours. One who gave me a tip on parallel parking that at the time I was very insulted by him giving me. Now I must admit I use it and think of him nearly every time I parallel park. So either we were collectively experiencing your ghost or you were real. Wait, was he a ghost too?

    One of the first times we actually spoke was a beautiful spring morning. I saw you looking up at the sky. I was curious but said nothing. You stopped me; “I just love looking up through the trees, the way the sun moves through the branches is just beautiful.” I stopped and looked up with you, briefly, and moved about my day.

    We had a few interactions after this one. You would comment on the beautiful weather or the way the moon lights up the sky. You would hold the door for me as I walked in from work. I once helped carry some cases of water. You, me and, parking guy would stand on the stoop and talk about how packages were being taken again. Neighborly things.

    From you I learned to stop, to slow down. To look around at nature. There is so much beauty surrounding us and in so many different ways. I often stop and look up through the trees. You really do get a different perspective. The moon does light the sky so beautifully, and in a different way in each phase. This spring I noticed the first flowers peeking up from the grass, long before I ever would have years ago. I saw them grow over the weeks, something I never have seen but has always been in front of me.

    From you I learned that what you’re looking for will find you if you just remain open. The community I wanted and relationships I was seeking was there all along. I had closed myself off and missed opportunities to interact with you because I had been rejected by others. I imagine you have been rejected so many times before, even by me. You taught me to be the person you want to meet.
    We never even exchanged names yet you’ve impacted my life so profoundly. It makes me think about every interaction I have. How you are a part of stories you don’t even realize you are. Over the years of living there we may have exchanged 100 words. Yet in those interactions and 100 words I have learned so much. You have completely changed the way in which I view the world around me.

    This morning I stopped and looked up through the tree. The cherry blossoms are starting to fall, the branches some bare and some donned with the prettiest pink flowers, illuminated by the sunlight. I stood there thinking there’s some type of metaphor here about the balance between death and life or quality vs quantity. Or maybe that’s just my imagination trying to work again. Either way it made me smile. As the sunlight came through the branches and warmed my face the thought of you and our interactions warmed my heart.

    Sincerely and warmly,

    A Grateful Former Neighbor

    Crystal Mulligan

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    • Crystal, as a former/native New Yorker I believe you are one of the few who have learned to slow down in New York instead of speed up. But you are right, it is so important. I used to rollerblade to Central park and go to that area that looks over the central park boathouse and nearby fountain. For 20 minutes or so, I would stand there on my…read more

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  • The Girl From The Bridge

    Late night at a red light

    97.9 the beat plays on the radio

    The aroma of the classic Honey Butter Chicken Sandwhich from What-a-burger fills the car.

    A random stranger flagged me, “no I don’t have money- “ was the first thought that came to mind, but immediately interrupted as I look at her hands..

    Her hands moved with urgency telling me to look beyond the traffic lights; into the fog.

    There I seen a young girl her eyes cried a tune my ears were familiar with. Recognized her from a far that this one soul was out here lingering ; alone.

    So it is true two broken souls can feel each other even when they are unfamiliar with one another?

    Stopping her in her tracks from making a decision that’ll disrupt GOD’s plan. Pouring life into her and protecting her in the spiritual for that temporary time becoming a sanctuary. I guess my body became a church and a temple for her she felt as she was home.
Her sobs were formed from trauma that she’s endured, her body is in shock because she’s gonna follow through successfully this time. She explained that this was her 8th attempt but this was one was going to be the one. Her feelings started to pour out because she knew I translate clearly on where she stood. I didn’t think she was crazy, not one bit. I’ve been there before so I’ve became the someone who I wanted to be there for me.

    Nuturing her wounds with the word of GOD that leaves from mouth and flow to her soul. Speaking nothing but peace, healing, and abundance over her life. Bringing her comfort the best way I know how.

    I’ll never forget that girl from the bridge 🫶🏾

    Kyndall " Soultalk" Brown

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    • Kyndall, You have such a kind heart. I am so glad you were able to be there for a stranger in need. As much as you remember her, I am sure she remembers you. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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  • Unexpected Wisdom: How a Stranger's Story Changed My Perspective

    Dear Stranger,

    I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the positive impact that you have had on my life. Our deep conversation while playing Viking chess was truly enlightening, and the wisdom that you shared with me about life, love, being a man, and the hard work that it takes to receive blessings has stayed with me ever since.

    I remember how you spoke about your own struggles with self-doubt, and how you overcame them through hard work and perseverance. Your story about how working out and reading books helped you during your time in jail was truly inspiring. It was clear to me that you value your family and are determined to make things right with them.

    I also appreciate the way that you shared your vulnerability with me. It takes a lot of courage to open up and speak honestly about our struggles and doubts. Your willingness to share your story has taught me the importance of being honest with ourselves and others, even when it is difficult.

    Your words touched me deeply, and I am grateful for the time that we spent together. You showed me that no matter what challenges we face in life, we can overcome them with hard work, determination, and a positive attitude. I still think about our conversation often, and I wanted to express my gratitude for the wisdom that you shared with me about life, love, and the pursuit of knowledge. I also appreciate the way that you listened to me when I shared my story about the death of my child. Your words of comfort and encouragement helped me to see that even in the darkest moments, there is always an opportunity to learn and grow. Your reminder that we all make mistakes, but it’s what we do with those mistakes that makes the difference, gave me hope and strength to keep moving forward.

    I remember how you found my passion for art, the universe, and the occult sciences of the body interesting. Your encouragement to reach out to others who share these interests and to teach them about the things I love has stayed with me. Your words reminded me of the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences with others, and of the joy that comes from connecting with like-minded individuals.

    There is a quote you told me that I never forgot do you remember it, it goes a little something like this.

    “The greatest gift that we can give ourselves is the gift of self-belief. When we believe in ourselves, anything is possible. We can accomplish our wildest dreams, overcome our biggest fears, and become the person that we were meant to be. So let’s believe in ourselves, no matter what the world may say, and let our inner light shine bright.”

    This is something I always keep in with for when I’m down and out or just need a remember of that conversation we had.

    Thank you for sharing your story with me, and for being a positive influence in my life. I wish you all the best in your journey, and I hope that you continue to inspire others as you have inspired me.

    Rashan Speller

    Rashan Speller

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    • Rashan, this is absolutely beautiful. I am sorry about the loss of your baby. But this stranger is right. There is growth even in our darkest moments. I think the fact that you took the time to listen and really take the time to absorb what this stranger told you is a testament to both your open mind and your open heart. It sounds like this…read more

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      • I appreciate you welcoming me into the family and enjoying the writing and expression I bring. It’s really great opportunity for me to share and read everyone’s work.

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  • limabean140 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 1 years ago

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    To him

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  • To the man that taught me how to love again,

    I appreciate you for everything you’ve done, because I saw the light in you as you saw the light in me, we transformed together, and as I write this letter I wish you were still here with me.
    I thought love was a game, full of fantasies that could never be.
    The saying “home is where the heart is” is true, and my heart chose you.
    Over and over again i feel how we could’ve been more than just a fantasy,
    We were real, the feelings we had for each other were bigger than just a feeling, we were mindfully connected. We knew other deeper than the world ever would,
    I still would think about you after we broke up, waiting for you to come back home.
    Unfortunately, i wasn’t the one you saw your life to be, you got a new girl,
    But would you still think of me? I know you have missed me like i missed you, ‘
    You even told me how you felt out of anger with your girl in the corner,
    And yet you still couldn’t be open but your real feelings towards me.
    As these feelings fade, all that was left was our memories, but now those are gone too.
    I burned a thread of soul ties that made me think i couldn’t be alive,
    Because without you I felt like nothing, but I realize now you taught me what true love could be.
    I wish things didn’t have to end, at least the way it did, and now i hate that i can’t think of you,
    I cant feel you in my bed when i wake up, and i can’t hear you, i cant feel your touch.
    I believe we were destined to be like a dream, but now I know it was all a fantasy for me to believe we could’ve been something. When you hurt me, put your hands on me but I still wanted you, I know I could never find you.if you wanted me you would have fought for me, and not walked away when things didn’t go as plan, because that’s what i would’ve done, that’s what real love does,but it’s also true people don’t have the same hearts and never will, and that would be accepting the fact that we were not meant to be like i thought we were,but it still hurts.
    Even burning our soul contact, I feel as if you’re almost near, that you can never truly disappear.
    You were my knight and shining armor, that understood my darkness, as I did with yours.
    So why walk away? From what could’ve been a dream come true if you were only honest and real.What a shame that I can’t even blame YOU. since i pushed you to that point, all my trauma took over me where i unleashed every last hurt onto you, so it was only right for you to react,
    But when did it get so far , to not be able to heal and rebuild what possibly could have been
    I can write you 15 to 30 letters but would you read them? Would you even care?
    Would you dare? I know you would not have anything to say, since you are the one who walked away. Maybe you were just a selfish ghost, only in my life for a quick run through of my life,
    But this isn’t what i wanted, or even still want, my heart wants you and always will,
    And that will always be the hard truth. A pill to big to swallow, so i cry on my pillow, hoping maybe one day you see I’ve changed and we can come back to what we used to be,
    Bu this is the fantasy, because you would’ve came back we would have talked it out, ‘
    So there has to be a reason for all this chaos and all I wish it to teach me is the worm I can truly be for the next man that comes to pick me up off my feet, and strengthen me.
    I always thought love at first sight was a lie, but not when I looked in your eyes.
    How could you just get up and leave? When I need you..
    I will wait for you.
    And you will wait for me, ‘
    Because we were destined to be.
    Then a year later,
    This stranger finds me handsome and put together.
    I believe he is the one, not just looks but got his head put on right,
    And isn’t getting high, but on the love of the sky,
    He helped me to believe in my light, just who I was meant to be.
    He understood my pain, because he was also in pain at the time,
    We didn’t suck the souls out of each other like the past, but ignited creativity inside.
    You were my light knight and shining armor, I’ve been waiting for.
    You have always been there right outside the door.
    You were there for me like no other, let me cry on your shoulder,
    Walk outdoors with me, have adventures in the day, and at night.
    It’s been everything I longed for, you taught me how to love again,
    That true love I’ve been waiting for ignited inside for you helped me see who I can be,’
    I hope I did the same for you, even though we went our separate ways,
    You’ve impacted my life for a lifetime, and I will love you for the rest of my life.

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    • Aww, one thing I have learned with dating is to take the lesson but leave the heartache behind. There will be another love. Another magical moment. And more memories to make with someone new. I saw this on instagram somewhere. It said “Let go or be dragged.” Take the good, and let go of any bad. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part…read more

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  • zdabbles submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 1 years ago

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    To the woman at the park

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