

  • You and I

    Dear self,
    If I was able to see and talk to you, me, us, in the past about the future when you and I were just a young troubled girl, I would have reminded you everyday that everything was going to be okay. I would have told you that you had to stop being so hard on yourself. Everything you were living was temporary and that nothing was forever. One day, you were going see that light; And Finally that light has come, you are no longer that ugly person you once thought you were, full of hate, full of broken pieces, full of negativity. You’ve made it, you found freedom within yourself. Look how much love you feel and give to yourself and others. You have conquered so much and I am so proud of you. I know you feel blessed of all we have. You are such a beautiful soul. You’ve trained your thoughts, you finally believe you are worth it and that you deserve the best. Remember to put yourself first, never lose hope, never give up. Always believe in yourself. You are strong and loving. You are unique in your own special way. This is who you and I were always meant to be, this is what we were always meant to feel.


    Fatima Carrillo

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    • It’s so warm to grow up and wish we could comfort our younger selves, but it’s even better to know that our younger selves still live inside of us and we can always give that love back to ourselves 🙂 This is a lovely reminder of all that we overcome in life and the raw aspect of this piece makes me feel very connected. Keep writing!

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    • Aww Fatima, this is so wonderful. Reading this felt like a nice warm hug. I am glad you feel what you always should have felt. You are amazing, and I am so glad you now know it. Keep shining. You are a bright star. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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