
everythingandnothing's Letters

everything andnothing

The Matrix

The Matrix

I wake up like I never went to bed.
Sleep is upon my open eyes,
yet they are glazed and scarlet red.
I don’t remember what happened yesterday,
nor do I have a semblance of what the day holds.
I schedule my life out to stop the mind decay.
I sip my coffee until I realize for two hours it’s been cold.
I glance around myself,
“When did…read more

The Life of a "Blonde"

The life of a “Blonde”

There’s a reason I tell people I’m “blonde.”
I mean the blonde beyond the hair color,
the one that goes with the average stereotype-
Bubbly, dumb and without a care in the world.
A pretty face.
I tell people this for a reason.
I don’t have a memory of a goldfish,
I just don’t remember 7 years of my life.
Although,…read more

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Like all chapters,
They close.
another opens.

Like all chapters,
you start at the beginning.
you reach the end.

You can’t skip pages,
you dare not skip over words.
You might miss something,
something that changes the whole,
plot, timeline, ending.

You yell at the main character,
“Don’t do that!”
“Can’t you see?”

You…read more

Can I answer this question?

Can I answer this question?

The problem with loving yourself,
The problem with me writing this poem,
The problem with you reading this,
Is that I don’t love myself.
I don’t adore myself.
One could incorporate a word
unbeknownst to love
about myself.
Similar to loathing.
Here I am.
Writing this.
I think it’s because
I’m learnin…read more

everything andnothing

To Everyone this New Year

To All of those
entering the new year,
To all those who felt
like they wasted their time,
during the 2023 season.
Cause getting out of bed
Was like dragging nails
Down a chalkboard:
Seemingly unnecessary.
To all those this 2024
That wish 2023 was their last.
Their last fight,
Their last struggling year.
To all those…read more

everything andnothing

Stop, Drop, and Roll

Dear Unsealers,
I came up with an analogy to describe a battle with anxiety, I hope one can read this and feel less alone in their battles, or better yet, it will not resonate with you.

What every therapist tells you sounds a lot like stop, drop, and roll.
Firemen say that when there is an urgent flame upon you.
When you get anxious,
A…read more

My Apology, sincerely to my body,

Dear Body,

I’ve been told by therapy,
To write to my personality.
After all, “you’re just a shell,”
A shell for my inner hell
but they never spoke of that fact,
So, instead I’m writing to my outer contact

Dear Body,
This is really more of an apology.
Dear Body,
I know it was wrong to fill your head with lies;
When I told you to be smaller
T…read more

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