

  • Dear child

    Dear younger me,
    I see how you see your self. The pain you allow. The hope you want so bad to cling to. I see the boys you chase the attention you seek.
    I see the way you worry about who you will become or what you will be. I see the words you run from. The words your mother has spoken over you. I see the erratic behavior. The mental stress. My dear child I see you.
    I see the Way you hang your head, the way you bury yourself in your books, your writing and sometimes even your friends.
    I see how you worry, what you will become and even what you will do. Please my child do not. You will be fantastic.
    You will reach all your goals, you will have a heart bigger than you ever had before. Your love for others will be greater and darling you will escape the words of your mother. You will over come and the career may take awhile but trust and strive you will get there. You’ll have hardships, no doubt. Those will keep you stronger in the year to come. You’ll learn to show for your self and not lean on others to get you through. You’ll be strong my darling. Stronger than the younger you.

    The you, you crave to be


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    • My teenage years were such a confusing time, navigating boys, my relationship with my friends and parents, and anxieties about my future college/career! I wish I read this 10 years ago, it would’ve made me feel seen and understood. Thank you for sharing <3 Juvi

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  • Dear Child

    Dear younger me,
    I see how you see your self. The pain you allow. The hope you want so bad to cling to. I see the boys you chase the attention you seek.
    I see the way you worry about who you will become or what you will be. I see the words you run from. The words your mother has spoken over you. I see the erratic behavior. The mental stress. My dear child I see you.
    I see the Way you hang your head, the way you bury yourself in your books, your writing and sometimes even your friends.
    I see how you worry, what you will become and even what you will do. Please my child do not. You will be fantastic.
    You will reach all your goals, you will have a heart bigger than you ever had before. Your love for others will be greater and darling you will escape the words of your mother. You will over come and the career may take awhile but trust and strive you will get there. You’ll have hardships, no doubt. Those will keep you stronger in the year to come. You’ll learn to show for your self and not lean on others to get you through. You’ll be strong my darling. Stronger than younger you.

    The you, you crave to be


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    • Congratulations! It’s so wholesome to see all that people have overcome and I’m glad you’ve gotten to a place where you can look back and know that everything is going to be okay 🙂 I love the endless hype you give your younger self and the beauty that resides within struggle. Thank you for sharing!

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