
chanalymariee's Letters


A lot of you I’ve introduced myself as Chana but today you will know me formally, as Chanaly.
You see Chana was so easily digestible,
She was nice and to the point
Different but acceptable
Not for my lips or yours to pronounce
But to read off a dock, is admissible.
A couple of hiccups here and there but nonetheless, a spectacle.
The a…read more

Voting ends on September 1, 2024 12:00pm


I believe that my writing will save me.
From an everlasting longing of acceptance and despair that awaits when I’m alone. To the doubts that curl in my mind when life erupts a quiet evening. This year, my writing will be light and full of energy.
It will thank the sun for the vitamin d and the sky for its shades of blue. I will walk in the m…read more

Chanaly Rodriguez

Love Language

My love language is not overbearing. Its reassurance.
It’s the effort of learning my favorite coffee order and holding hands as you drive. You bring your hand close on my worst day and bury it beneath my back. You vouch for personal time on the couch and watch comedy sitcoms for hours. I don’t ask to be seen, you want my attention.
To be in a…read more

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