
autumndavidson's Letters


The roads we travel

Two roads diverged ahead of me –
one known and one less traveled.
There’s been a lot of talk about
how one should take the latter.

They say to seek the new and strange
is the course that is the wiser,
but both seemed new and strange to me
because I’d never taken either.

I traveled for a bit down one
and found much there was gold,
but soon I…read more

Because I deserve it

Find out what it means to me.
Actually, I’m still finding out, too.
I’ve made friends with bad habits like quitting early and cutting myself short.
I hang around with the idea of starvation, letting my stomach’s gurgling protests fall on ears closed tight, eyes fixed on an image that isn’t my body.
I let my to do lists build and…read more

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Spring Comes Again

The last flower on the tree
sits proudly
waits patiently
feels lonely.
The breeze has been growing colder in the nights
And compared to August the sun shines not so warmly, nor so bright.
The flower knows that she will fall when the time is right
for all must make that journey towards the darkness from the light.
‘It’s…read more

You didn't have to, but you did.

To the person who came to my rescue:

You saw me: hot hurricane winds heaving past my lips, violent chest, boa constrictor hands contracted around chair handles. You saw me: eyes like waterfalls, eyes like the moon, eyes like a hive of bees.
You saw me with panic wrapped around my shoulders like a cloak and you came.
I felt your hands on mine…read more

Supposed to Be

Pink lips
Round Hips
that curve tightly around my body
like a winding mountain road
Flesh that
Hugs me

Rosebud nipples
smiling dimples
an unbruised apple bottom
fit to bite
with just enough juice to run down your greedy mouth
and my stomach tight

flat, no fat
Wiggle, not jiggle
Breasts full Eyes dull No sleep Still sweet
Like fruit that…read more

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