  • autumndavidson submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect?Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect? 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    Because I deserve it

    Find out what it means to me.
    Actually, I’m still finding out, too.
    I’ve made friends with bad habits like quitting early and cutting myself short.
    I hang around with the idea of starvation, letting my stomach’s gurgling protests fall on ears closed tight, eyes fixed on an image that isn’t my body.
    I let my to do lists build and build until they crash over me like a wave and wash me out to sea.
    I get overwhelmed so easily these days,
    and overstimulation is a constant companion.
    I bought special ear plugs so that my daughter’s temper tantrums wouldn’t send me over the edge.
    When I put them in, they replace her often jarring noise with tiny whispers that I am a bad mother.
    I forget to feed my dog, and I can’t bring myself to put away my laundry.
    Baskets of clean and dirty clothes sit in my broom as stalwart reminders that I fail.
    I fail a lot.
    But sometimes
    I finish a poem, and I believe it’s good enough to share.
    I let my body tell me what it needs, and I indulge it.
    My pile of tasks gets a little smaller, and I let myself feel competent.
    When my daughter screams, I scream with her, and we crumble into laughter.
    She hugs me and my whole being floats.
    I’m a good mom.
    And I feed the dog, and conquer the laundry.
    So if I’m still learning that my body is less like a temple and more like a celebration,
    and if I’m still figuring out that imperfect isn’t a slur,
    and if I’ve almost realized that good enough really IS,
    then I think I’ve also learned that respect is a gift I give myself.

    Autumn Davidson

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • Aww I love this. And this line is real for us all: “So if I’m still learning that my body is less like a temple and more like a celebration.”

      Life can feel so overwhelming at times, but one day, one step, one moment at a time we got this. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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    • Hi there, Autumn. Aiša here. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Reading it was quite the experience. At times, I even recognized some of myself in your stream of consciousness.

      Selling my self short? Check.
      Letting to-do lists build? Check.

      Overwhelmed? All the time. Overstimulated? That too.

      Do I fail a lot? For sure!
      And I don’t let myself forget it
      when I do.

      “But sometimes
      I [too] finish a poem, and I believe it’s good enough to share.” 🙂

      Thank you for deciding that this was one such poem. <3

      Write me back 

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