

  • You didn't have to, but you did.

    To the person who came to my rescue:

    You saw me: hot hurricane winds heaving past my lips, violent chest, boa constrictor hands contracted around chair handles. You saw me: eyes like waterfalls, eyes like the moon, eyes like a hive of bees.
    You saw me with panic wrapped around my shoulders like a cloak and you came.
    I felt your hands on mine like life rafts. I heard your voice float to me like a breeze through black smoke. Breathe, breathe, breathe, you said.
    I choaked.
    Breathe, breathe, breathe. I’m here.
    Breathe, breathe, breathe. Like this.
    Breathe, breathe, breathe, You’re safe.
    I watched your chest rise and fall like gentle waves and I let them bring me to shore. My hands slithered to yours and squeezed. Over the sound of my heart crashing through my ears, over the sound of my buzzing brain, I let you teach me how to breathe again.
    I had arrived safely through the storm guided by a strange lighthouse and before the salt had washed from my eyes you were gone. The only memory I have of you are your strong, sure hands and the siren’s song that called me home.
    I never learned your name, or the color of your eyes, or the reason you came to my rescue.
    I never got to thank you.
    So thank you.

    Autumn Davidson

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