  • ash_fisher submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 12 months ago

    A Kind Heart

    Day in and day out our world seems to fall darker.
    Visible thunderstorms of animosity, hatred, division and war.
    They brew quickly, blow rapidly, covering the surfaces of hope I became so accustomed to.
    While the loudness of anger rumbles through the wind, we point fingers and scoff declarations of who is in the wrong.
    Who deserves just punishment and isolation for past sins and moments of weakness.
    Our fears and anxieties shoot up from the ground like poison roots attempting to choke out the seed of light embedded in us.
    Afraid to show a true glimpse of ourselves, to display our authentic ways or more simply even, kindness.
    Yet somehow we all dream that a random act from a stranger or friend might spur our hope .
    Comforting us, a reminder that gentle compassion still exists.
    When in fact, each and every day we have that ability within ourselves, to be there for someone else the way we hope they can be for us.
    One small act, one show of support, one day spent serving another, acting out of a mindset that bears no judgment.
    A change in reality within our own reach.
    How can something so simple spur a ripple?
    I’ve heard the way myself.
    “You are rare, there is something different in you, when you are in your element you are magnetic.”
    While these words are not the change themselves, where they stem from is.
    Kindness and compassion have blossomed in my heart in a way I continue to cultivate.
    To fight against the desire our world has to segregate.
    For when the storm calms and the gray clouds dissipate, the light of truth cuts straight through you and I.
    Our humanness reveals itself and it is magnified that we all bleed the same.
    We have all cried tears of joy at the announcement of good news, felt bitter anger towards someone who wronged us.
    Laughed until our sides ached and breath left our lungs.
    We have all loved and hurt as humans do, so why should we expect perfection from equally imperfect people?
    Yes, it is genuine connection, kindness and an open mind that I will use to change the world.
    Truly, what else could drown out the poison roots than an overflow, a flood of hope bringing tall trees that offer a newfound shade of comfort and safety.

    Ashley Fisher

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    • Ashley, I so agree with you kindness and compassion are so powerful, and you sound like a beautiful person, giving love and light to the world. Thank you for being you, and thank you for sharing your story. I know just by being you, you are changing the world and creating that ripple effect. <3 Lauren

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