  • artistphilly submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Elder Stars in the Star

    In the moment I share the stage with you, a man amongst the ruins of personality and beauty. Your words inspire me, the qualities of a man that I climb the ladders of ancestry and slowly achieve this image you see. A brave man who stepped into his skin, exhibiting scars of times when processing your riddles of masculinity was a mystery. A formidable opponent where it would take decades of pruning for me to finally grow a sturdy garden of belief. And yet you carried me a seed to term and watered me with wisdom and love In the soils where nothing returns. I’m grateful for you graduating in your class of life my gratitude shakes the core of my soul. You leave me in physical shock and ache for your eyes closed to the stars of cancer as they pinch the life away from you into the emotional sea’s of heaven.
    Shine bright star of stars, and shine bright your dreams into mines. So elder star in the sky reuniting the DNA inside. Collect the God in you and rain down the ideal of your life.

    Rashan Speller

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