  • artistphilly shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    What Do I owe You

    Lost in a whimsical realm of ethereal shadows,
    I find myself captivated, unable to escape this mesmerizing pandemonium.
    Ensnared within a labyrinth of disheartenment and forsakenness,
    The echoes of desolation reverberate through the very air I breathe.

    From within me, arises an ardent yearning,
    A desperate longing for a guiding star to emancipate me from endless darkness.
    Through convoluted corridors of entitlement’s snare,
    Truth and virtue hang scarce, like precious gems just out of reach.

    I meander aimlessly, a wayward soul deprived of purpose,
    Amidst the chaos and muddle that envelops me in its suffocating embrace.
    My weary thoughts veiled in a shroud of ambiguity,
    As I diligently scour for solace, yet it eludes my grasp like a fleeting whisper.

    Yet, deep within my core, a stubborn flicker persists,
    A flame of hope that refuses to flicker out, consistently nourishing my spirit.
    Within this despair-ridden maze of adversity,
    I shall persevere, relentlessly seeking my very own radiant beacon of light.

    Rashan Speller

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    • Rashan, Your words paint a vivid picture of the struggles you face in this whimsical realm of shadows. The yearning for guidance and the search for truth and virtue are tangible. Despite the chaos and mysteriousness, your resilient spirit shines through. Keep holding onto that flicker of hope and persevere in your journey towards finding your own radiant beacon of light.

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