
algonzalez's Letters

Antoinette Gonzalez

How My Teeth Saved My Life!

The year 2022 was a year that gave me the most hope and reminded me the value of my own life. It, like others, gave me high highs and some scary low lows. One of my highs was that I was able to spend the time and money to begin my journey to fixing my teeth again. I found the perfect dentist and I spent majority of the year with her working on…read more

Antoinette Gonzalez

Dearest Manulo

Dear Father-In-Law,

I have had the pleasure of spending the last 11 years with your son as my life partner. We have had our ups and downs, that has not stopped us from enjoying our lives together. When I walked into your son’s life there wasn’t much he would talk about with me when it came to you because he was still in pain. I know it must hav…read more

Antoinette Gonzalez

The literal missing puzzle piece

My Zeusy,

When I was a baby, I was born into a home where my best friend lived. However hard times made us leave our home and when we moved my best friend ran away. I always yearned for a new best friend but lost hope throughout life.

When I was 30, I found out I was pregnant with my son. It was a world wind of emotions since a few years prior…read more

Antoinette Gonzalez

Just You and Me

Little one hear my plea!
I know your young;
but work with me
I will make mistakes
I am not perfect
I am in this not alone;
But with you
It’s really just me & you!
I will wipe your tears
I will kiss your booboos
I will be your friend
I will be your foe!

Little one hear my plea!
In this world;
It’s just you & me!
I am going to fall
I will cry…read more

Antoinette Gonzalez

My Busy Issy

This is a Haiku about and for my oldest daughter. She is a child of few words, unless she’s comfortable with you. Her 14th birthday is tomorrow and I can remember her birth like it was yeaterday. Im so blessed that she made me a mama. And I am beyond blessed to have her as my biggest baby.
Please enjoy.

Badass Genius Babe.
Never knew what…read more

Antoinette Gonzalez

To My Perfect Little Boy!

I use to yearn,
Yearn for this day.
The day,
I get to wipe your tears;
Kissing your booboo’s.
The day,
I surrender to your love;
Getting lost in your snuggles.

Everyone told me,
How great it is;
Having a son.
Your hugs,
Your love,
Your attachment.

Nobody told me..
How amazed I would be,
Amazed by you.
You’re only one,
I can fee…read more

Antoinette Gonzalez

Turning my Ashes to Their Diamonds

As babies we are programed with nursery rhythms, “1st comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage.” Then as children we go to school and are given unrealistic goals to meet with minimal help. Told that we need to get it all done in preparation for college and the work field. If you want to have children, as your pro…read more

Antoinette Gonzalez

To the Woman I Aspire to be

Good Morning Beautiful Soul,

We are connected like sisters, I feel. Not blood, barely relatives, but still sisters. You and I met by chance but our paths were absolutely meant to cross. I met you while we were both in our darkest hour, different paths, similar darkness. You are someone who has poured into me from the moment you met me, as a big…read more

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