  • ala submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter telling the world about what makes you strongWrite a letter telling the world about what makes you strong 1 years, 1 months ago


    she’s naturally the girl that people talk to.
    people see her
    and open up with a little joke
    or anecdote.
    they feel her
    and know that she is peace.
    she is safety
    she is a temporary home
    for the fleeting feels
    and thoughts
    that are bursting to escape from their heads
    they know she’ll politely smile
    and keep them safe
    allowing a tidbit of advice to come through
    if they are willing to pay the price
    a small fee
    in the form of
    identifying and accepting
    what it is that she sees in them
    because she connects to them so deeply
    her eye is trained
    to see right through their exterior
    and the initial few layers guarding their interior
    all the way to what lies deeper inside
    they see her and open up
    Because for once in their life
    They know, they don’t have to hide.
    there’s no need for the disguise
    or to fight the urge
    of the people pleaser who lives in all of us.
    for once, she makes them feel ok
    to not think about “us”.
    her vibrational pull
    and gentle nature
    make them gravitate toward her
    because they know she did nothing to lure.
    she seeks nothing from them
    but has the capacity to give everything,
    yet very few ever give in to greed
    because just a few seconds in her presence
    given them all that they need.

    to answer the question.
    the thing that makes me strong is



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    • Alacia, True Empathy is such a beautiful quality have and it requires so much strength because it requires you to live life with an open heart. Thank you for sharing this sweet poem. Thank you for adding so much goodness to the world and for being a part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Empathy is the super power we need for collective healing. The world is in a lot of pain right now, but I’m hopeful. Thank you for your kind words, Lauren! <3

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    • Alacia, empathy is a strong trait to have because you’ll be able to help someone and let them rely on you for the ability to understand their feelings. That’s truly such a great trait to have because it shows how much you care about others. Keep showing empathy.

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