

  • Lauren, thank you so much!! It has been a breath of fresh air. ❤️

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  • Saga Foss, thank you so much for your kind words! ☺️

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  • Gone Girl by: A. Harper

    As I look at myself in the mirror, I finally love the woman looking back at me.

    You fought so hard to become this version of yourself. That man tried to depress you, steal your joy, and dim your light. You said no! Gone Girl!!

    You endured a year of pain. Physical, Mental, and Emotional anguish, but you made it through. He was your partner, so naturally you tried anything you could to save it. Save your relationship at no cost to yourself. But God said no. God said Gone Girl!!

    Many days and nights you found yourself with wet eyes, a wet face, and a broken heart. You found yourself secluded on your closet floor pleading for God to help you. You were Strong. Gone Girl!

    That man was supposed to protect you, provide for you, and be your safe space. You went a year with no safety. You became the true meaning of smiling on the outside and dying on the inside. You put on a strong face each day and took on the world with anxiety in your heart. Gone Girl!

    Many times you prayed for God to deliver the evilness from him, but God’s plans were different. God chose to deliver you from the evilness instead. It took years for you to part ways. It took months for you to give in. It took weeks for you to flee to safety. It took days for you to realize your worth. It took minutes for it all to come to a close. Gone Girl!!

    Look at you now, you made it. You made it to safety. You made it to Freedom. You made it to Life. You made it to Love. You made it to Peace. Gone Girl!!

    You are Magic. You are Power. You are Resilient. You are God-sent. You are Phenomenal. You are Worthy. You are Light. You are Love. Gone Girl!!

    Kind regards,

    Ashley Harper

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    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • I really loved reading this. I can deeply relate to trying to make a relationship work so badly at the expense of myself. It’s so easy to think “maybe they’ll just understand” and hold on to that hope even when you consistently get shown otherwise. This poem is a wonderful reminder of how joyous it is to love ourselves instead 🙂

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    • Ashley! I am so glad you removed yourself from an unhealthy and unhappy relationship. You are so right, you are Magic, Power, Resilient, and God-sent. Plus so much more. Keep loving you. You deserve it! <3 Lauren

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