
Advertise With Us!

To: Everyone

From: The Unsealed

Writing Challenge Due Wednesday 7/24


Do you have a book you want to promote, a wellness service, or a blog the world must see? We are now offering space in our newsletter to advertise.

*To qualify for member rates/discounts, you must be a member for at least a year or signed up for a yearly membership of $84 or more

Stats on our Newsletter

Reach: 14,100 Open Rate: 42.3% Who: Women: 80% Men :20% (Estimated) Mostly between the ages of 18-44

Why advertise in a newsletter?

  • Driving engagement and revenue. As Campaign Monitor reported, email drives the highest ROI for marketers, beating out affiliate, search, social, and display advertising. In fact, email drives 40X higher customer acquisition results compared to social channels.
  • Reaching consumers directly. Since email is an opt-in, one-to-one channel, it provides advertisers with an opportunity to grab the attention of a highly-engaged audience. They’re also tapping into a ready-made pool of customers gathered by the publisher, so they know they’re reaching vetted, high-quality leads. (SOURCE)



A fully dedicated email all about you. Why get just a section of our email when you can own the whole Email? We will send out an email just about you and your product or service. We will also post you in our story on Instagram, which currently has 19.3k followers.

Non-Members – $550

Members – $400

Sponsored Post


We will post about you and your product/services within a section our newsletter. We will include a picture and a short blurb.

One post in one newsletter for non-members: $200

One post in one newsletter for members: $100

For a package of 4 posts in 4 newsletters for non-members: $600

For a package of 4 posts in 4 newsletters for non-members: $300

For a package of 12 posts in 12 newsletters for non-members: 1250

For a package of 12 posts in 12 newsletters for non-members: $840

Email lauren@theunsealed.com for questions or bookings.

All payments must be made prior to sending the email. We have the right to reject any ads if they do not align with our values or our audience.

Lauren Brill
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