  • amswriteronfire submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    House of Shame

    Dear Body,

    For years you protected me
    Shielded me from the truth
    that our twelve your old brain
    couldn’t comprehend

    For years you stored the memories
    of callused hands clamped over our mouth
    Hot breath in our ears
    The grip of a grown man’s hands on our
    Twelve-year-old wrists

    He forced you to become
    a House of Shame and Secrecy
    No one will believe you
    You deserved this
    For years,
    Even I didn’t believe you

    And so we spiraled
    So full of words
    No space for food
    We withered away
    Made lines on our wrists
    To bleed out the diseased
    Not even realizing
    The secrecy was the disease

    So we stopped swallowing words
    Learned to speak our truth
    Whispered the words
    To family
    Surrendered them to the police
    Gently placing the truth
    In their open hands
    Wondering – will they believe me?
    And they did
    And the district attorney did
    And the grand jury did
    And at the age of thirty-two
    We commanded our truth
    Owned it and accepted it
    And the jury said


    The jury said guilty
    The jury said guilty

    And the jury said
    Twelve times

    Twelve times
    For twelve years

    Dear Body,

    You are no longer a house of shame
    You are no longer a sack of bones
    You are not a vessel of abuse
    A tool for trauma

    You are alive
    You are a survivor

    We’ve been through hell
    Separated by our truth
    But now we heal as one

    Your Brain

    Anna M Smith

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    • Anna I am literally in tears reading this. You are a hero! I am so very sorry for what happened to you but look at you now. You are a HERO! You are so right that secrecy is a disease. I trademarked the phrase Turn Your Secrets into Superpowers for The Unsealed. You truly embody that sentiment. Thank you for your strength. Thank you for your courage. You have no idea how many people you can, have, and will impact in your life. Thanks for being part of our community and sharing your heart and our power with us! <3 Lauren

      Write me back 

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