  • devananda submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months, 1 weeks ago

    Empty Stomach: When Food No Longer Soothes the Soul

    How good it feels
    To feel you
    To be acquainted
    To know

    After all the years
    Of stuffing, binging, mindlessly
    Eating to fill the void

    One that wasn’t yours
    Misplaced by mere inches
    A calling uncomfortable

    Different than yours
    But so foreign to understand
    No patience to learn

    Until one day
    The void is still lingering
    Still cataclysmic
    And the belly is full beyond recognition

    Then the journey begins
    Inward, downward
    Exploration of emotions
    Contemplations of beliefs

    A realization it wasn’t your voice
    Your call to be fulfilled
    Your request to be known

    Rooting up and out
    Digging deep into
    The garden of the heat

    To reveal the pain
    The judgements
    The misguided love

    That was so graciously covered,
    Buried, tempered down
    With copious amounts of food

    The unearthing isn’t pleasant
    It smells of rot & distant memories
    It tastes of acid & forgotten truths
    It feels unyielding & unending
    Regardless of the discoveries
    Our tracks are well worn habits
    And the pursuit of healthy
    Drives new uncomfortable
    Ways of being

    That sometimes receive that
    Old poisonous medicine
    Of food to quiet the symptoms

    Slowly it changes
    More quickly the distinction is made
    With new knowledge & insight
    There is hope
    And there has been & certainly is

    Now the option for partnership
    A radical dedication to self-love
    Requirement for the healthiest
    In order to do the work, serve
    The purpose

    Devananda Vargas

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    • Devananda, So many people use their relationship with food to bury their emotions. I am glad you were able to recognize that and begin to heal and love yourself. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you for this space to explore these beautiful stories from all the contributors of our humanity. I see myself in so many of them and feel seen by having the opportunity to contribute!

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